

The journey of first love...
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Joy's Affection

Joy sat at the back of the classroom, his eyes drifting from the math problems on his paper to the girl sitting a few rows ahead. Sarah. She was the brightest spot in the room, her laughter like a melody that echoed in his heart. Her long, chestnut hair fell in waves around her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with a kindness that made Joy's heart race.

Joy had known Sarah since they were kids, but it was only recently that he realized how much he cared for her. Every day at school, he found himself drawn to her, noticing the little things that made her special. The way she bit her lip when she was concentrating, the way she always helped others, and the way her smile could light up even the dullest day.

At lunch, Joy would sit with his friends, but his gaze would always wander to Sarah's table. She was surrounded by her friends, laughing and chatting, but Joy felt like an outsider, watching from afar. He wanted to be close to her, to make her laugh, to share his thoughts and dreams with her. But every time he tried to approach her, his nerves got the best of him.

Little did Joy know, Sarah had also noticed him. She admired his quiet kindness, the way he always seemed ready to lend a hand without asking for anything in return. She found herself looking for him in the hallways, hoping for a chance to catch his eye and exchange a smile. Sarah had always thought Joy was special, but lately, she felt a deeper connection forming, something more than just friendship.

One day, as the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Joy gathered his courage. He saw Sarah standing by her locker, gathering her books. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to her, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Hi, Sarah," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Sarah turned to him, her eyes lighting up with recognition, "Oh, hi Joy! How are you?"

Joy felt a surge of warmth at her friendly tone, "I'm good, thanks. I was wondering if... maybe you'd like to study together for the math test? I could really use some help."

Sarah smiled, and Joy felt his heart life, "Sure, Joy. I'd love to help. How about we meet in the library after school tomorrow?"

"That sounds great," Joy replied, his heart soaring, "Thanks, Sarah. I'll see you then."

As Joy walked away, he couldn't help but smile. It was a small step, but it was a start. He had finally found the courage to talk to Sarah, and he couldn't wait for tomorrow. For the first time, he felt like his dream of being close to her might actually come true.

The next day, Joy arrived at the library early, his nerves buzzing with anticipation. He found a quiet corner and set up his books, glancing at the clock every few seconds. Just as he began to worry she might not come, Sarah walked in, her presence lighting up the room.

"Hi, Joy," she greeted him warmly as she took a seat across from him, "Ready to tackle some math?"

Joy nodded, his heart pounding in his chest, "Yeah, thanks for doing this, Sarah."

As they worked through the problems, Joy found himself relaxing. Sarah's patience and easy laughter made the session enjoyable. They joked about their math teacher's quirks and shared stories about their lives outside of school. Joy learned that Sarah loved painting and had a cat named Whiskers who she adored. Sarah, in turn, found out that Joy played the guitar and was passionate about soccer.

As they packed up their things, Sarah hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Joy, I had a really good time today. Maybe we could do this again sometime? Not just for math, but, you know, just to hang out."

Joy's heart leapt at her words, "I'd like that, Sarah. A lot."

Sarah smiled, and for a moment, they just looked at each other, a shared understanding passing between them. It was the beginning of something new, something neither of them had expected but both were eager to explore.

As they walked out of the library together, the sun setting behind them, Joy felt a sense of hope he hadn't felt in a long time. For the first time, it seemed like his affection for Sarah might be returned. And for Sarah, spending time with Joy had confirmed what she had been feeling all along. She was starting to see Joy in a new light, and she couldn't wait to see where this new path might lead them.


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