

Who's There (Rise Of Fear)
It was the time when I was alone at my home at night. My parents were out for a masquerade party at their friend's house. I was watching TV until I accidentally switch the movie channel to News channel. The reporter was reporting a shocking news. The report was that a man has escaped the police custody. He was last spotted near the central park. The Central Park was near 50 yards away from my house and colony. I ran to my window and door and closed them all. Then I again started watching TV until I was bored. Then I heard that someone is knocking on my door. I asked ,"Who's there?". Then I heard a heavy breath and a very low voice saying ,"Help me please.". With this voice I was confirmed that the person at my house door is not the killer escaped from police custody. Opening the door was my greatest mistake ever. When I opened the door I saw a clown which was heavily injured. It was looking like someone has stabbed him with knife and shot on his back. His leg was almost cut off from his rest of body. He said ,"Please help me his coming help me or he will kill me." with a very low voice. I agreed to help him when I turned around I saw that the image of clown was not there in my mirror. I again turned at clown's position but he was not there. I thought that it could be a misconception. When I turned to close my door I saw that the clown's image was present in my mirror he attacked me with his long nails. then my neighbours finally saw that someone is attacking me. They called police at my house. I defended myself until police arrived but , he was succeeded to give some marks on my body. Police arrived and started firing at clown. Clown started running in the woods near the central park and disappeared. After that he was no where to be found ever again. I went back to America and continued my life.

What you think this was the end of my fear?

No Remember

"Fear Does Not Fade It Only Hides And Waits"

The clown will return

© Manishi Anand