

A Big Fish In A Small Pond

The year of 1920 there was a freshwater pond. California fine and dine stood near by. Lurking underneath the waters, there was a big o'l cut throat trout with an attitude. This fish had twice the brains and no patience. He was the biggest thing people had seen. He was fast to dodge the hook that sank below missing his mouth . The only thing people could see was a giant dark shadow. Often times a few giant bubbles would ascend to the tops of the waters . Indeed it scared a few folks out of their trousers. Some had felt the sudden mid size vibrations under the boat. He likes to make a rise out of people especially fisherman .

Often in the cafe people chowed down on the famous eggs and bacon. One second later a slam on the wooden table. "That old damned fish keeps getting away from my bait", the old timer yelled. He took another sip of his whisky bottle . Old Harry the fisherman always out fishing early mornin til sunset. The younger stradling 19 year old fellow working from the train tracks turned around. "I'll catch your ghost fish." He gently pulled out a cigaratte and lit it with the side of his face. The whole cafe went silent. "Jimmy Roy ladies and gentleman!" Harry yelled. Jimmy Roy at the age of 13 always into little trouble here and there. He accidentally lit a field on fire and no one has forgotten. "I'll bet you 10 bucks if i catch this fish." Old Harry laughed and asked for another round . "If you don't , you gotta give me 10 bucks and a bottle of whisky," Harry challenged. "I like a challenge", Jimmy smirked. Jimmy took another sip of his coffee. Then Jimmy tilted his brown Cabbie and tapped his feet out the door. The waitress blushed.

Jimmy took a walk around the pond . He skipped a few rocks and smoked a cigarette. Trouble found me this time . He laughed to himself . He started fishing along the side. "Come on fishy , fishy ," he whispered. He was patient. He was persistent sharp to the point. He remembers when he was 6-years old his dad gave him his first fishing pole. He remembered the golden moments like these. Sun's warmth and cool breeze. Little clouds danced around the sun that afternoon. He plopped down on the grass and waited. He suddenly felt the hairs on the back lf his neck stand up. Just as he was about to give in he felt a giant tug. A tug that sent him into the water but he kept holding on. He tugged back , his boots sopping wet sunk beneath the mud. He still held tightly pulled and pulled. Finally he found his grip . It was a big boy alright , biggest thing he'd seen.

As Jimmy found land again. He stood on the grass with a massive cut throat trout in both hands. He gently unhooked the trout's mouth. He held the trout, the trout winked. The trout was slowly gasping for air , Jimmy realized what a beautiful soul it was. The pink colors painted in the middle and the illuminating green colors almost blinding his eye sight. He felt his own heart racing. He felt awe. Jimmy gently released the ghost fish back into the water . The fish infact was the spirit of the pond he had felt. The curiosity the mystery had given him chills.

The next day Jimmy had gone into the cafe with a bottle of whiskey and 10 bucks. He tapped old Harry on the shoulder. Harry turned around from the table with a smirk. "Jimmy boy no luck?" he laughed. Jimmy light another cigarette ,took a puff and smirked. "Oh, I caught him alright fought him a few minutes he was big fella alright". "The funny thing was I let him go," he finished. " Why?" Harry asked. There was a silence . "He is the big spirit of the small pond."

The End.