

A memorable face
In December middle when I return from Bombay by lokmanya tilak express (kurla express) then i meet a man whose name is Nitin Kumar jha.this man's personality attack me quickly.when he came in our comperment then he brings knowledge with him.he is very polite person.at first he respect us by calling sir.after it he started to talk with us.he want to know what i do? when i said, i do various jobs for my income and also i write story poem and story in bengali . then he impress and asked me ,"have you any own book?"

then i said to him,i have one story book named "Haripada"which stroy about corona situation in our country and two poem book named "Nabakhatan and Sabdapriti". also i write in pratilipi and your quote regularly.then he asked me ,"Are you...