

Immortals: Gate of Fire part 2
The Goal of this fight is to find a way to stop this city from sinking into the volcano. "What we need is to find another place for the mothmen to build thats around another volcano." I told Xantal. Looking thfough maps we found an unclaimed volcano and thought they might move their build to it.
We went to the town build hall and started talking to the head builder and we found they plan to build here no matter what happens due to this being their home. "This is the dwarfs home to." Xantal told him. "You dwarfs can move to the new place and leave us be." the mothmen head builder told Xantal. It looked like things where only going to get worse long before it ever gets better.
After making it back to Xantals home we started thinking their leader may be to blame and this may get messy because he wants to fight over the worm air around Thaish. "Who is their leader?" I asked. He told me it was Karmath the moth king. It looks like my oreginal thought was right we may have a war on our hands thanks to Karmath. We got ready to gather the dwarfs together and march on the capital to change things. The other dwarfs asked why we needed to and Xantal let them know he plans on running us all out of the city and make us move to a different place to live.
Angered by what they were told the got weapons in hand and started a march on the capital building