

Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

#base on my own feeling.

I believe it not just me, but every single human have an jealousy feels in them. Don't be a lier, sometimes we are jealous on someone else appearance. "She have a nice hourglass shaped body while I was a straight cut body with no body proportions at all" while another said oh she have a nice blue tear eyes while I have a black boring eyes. "oh.. she have a hight bridge noses while my nose was wild like a rafflesia flowers.

Man don't be shame on your self like that. You don't have be a jealousy like that. We're living in the 21 centuries, there is more than one methods to look beautiful and pretty nowday. You want a hourglass shaped? than work out. you want a blood or any type of hair color than hair dye it. You wanna another eyes color than your black boring eyes? go and buy a contact lenses.

Sorry if I say it wrong but nowday man are equal same as women so you can be what you want to be, you can go where you want to, you can wear what you want to wear. It your body, it your choice as long is it make you the happiest person on earth.. Than go for it.

© Xiaolee98