

You label me, I label you. We are so busy making and valuing everyone that we forget our own worth. We forget that we are treasured, valued far beyond our worth. That we are loved intimately by the most infinite one. We worry so much how others see us that we stop looking at who we are. We let our label become our price tag and we forget our worth is much more than that. We are treasured not because of what we do, how we look or the size of our car. We are treasured for what makes us who we are. So remove those labels and look at what you see. You are a treasure worth much more than what others see

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Authors note: I wrote this piece while studying for a teaching night and I was struck by how easily we let our ideas and values define not only ourselves but other people as well. People are much deeper and complex than we realise and once we put aside these small defining labels, we will see what immense value they have