

Parallel Universe : #1 Starting Mars235
Parallel Universe
#1 Starting Mars235

( This is another science fiction story ) !!Remember Dont Read Just Imagine!!

In Mars 235,
In the year of 1869 , the first mutan Slamg is going on Moon 235 for checking that Is there any O2 for living of the mutants.

Dr.Battra : You are lucky that you are going to Moon.
Slang : Yes , I think.
Dr.: I want to give you a medat for your life extension . This will help you while you are out of O2 there and you will able to live there many millions of years.
Slang: Yes doctor.

The Slang's family was proud on him .
Maumau: (Slang's mother) I am proud of you son .
Froz:(Slang's Father) We are proud of you son take care .
Fro:(Slang's brother) I will be like you when i grow up .

After discussions, Slang flew his spaceshipand go for Moon 235

Slang : I have to do this for my family . I am the One , right Slang (Talking to himself)

Slang went to Moon 235 and landed on it

Slang: Hello...hello....? Is there anyone ?
Mars235: Yes i am and i can hear you . Have you land on Moon ?
Slang: Yes ,
Mars: Is there any presence of O2?
Slang : I didnt go outside yet !
Mars: Go check!
Slang : Yes .

Slang went out of the Spaceship and take the machine which help to check the presence of O2

Slang : There is no O2 . Hello...Hello...There is no O2 ......I repeat....There is no O2.....
Mars: ok! Come back !

The moon aliens saw Slang and think that he si thief and want to destroy them and their planet .
The aliens catch him and trap him in a electric cage and lasered him with a gun whicj have water.
The alien ....Water. The aleins have the super technology water gun . They started thowing water on Slang .
Slang first laugh but then he started begging in front of aliens for stop the guns . Because it is not just throwing water as the water is absorbing by the Slang cause he was a mutant.
Slang: Aaaaaaaaaa..........

        - Utkarsh Aggarwal

Story will be continue in the next part which will come ......
#2 The Curse

© Utkarsh Aggarwal