

I always wanted to take a smoke. All My friends used to smoke and I am tired of saying tobacco causes cancer to them. They keep doing it. Even though i want to take one, i couldn't do it ,may be because iam a muslim. My ustad taught me not drink or smoke and my dad didn't smoke or drink so as my elder brothers. I decided i be like my brothers.
It was boring after SSLC Exams and started to miss my friends and school. During this time i got familiar with few English movies. I liked them a lot even though i couldn't understand most dialogues. Watching television became my favorite hobby.
One day Father asked for the television remote , i know he wanted to watch the news and i hated news.He asked me three times i didn't answer i just keeping watching the television. He didn't liked that his sound all changed got more angrier,i got scared but still didn't answer my father .Father picked me from chair like he picked up the garbage at his work place. I throw the remote on the rough cement floor.
I raced to get my cycle and pedaled as fast as i can. I had ten rupee note and two rupee coin.I slowed down, worrying the chain would came off from the sprocket. Stopped at a shop ,i looked like i have been swimming. Nervously i approached the shopkeeper and asked for one cigarette. Before he even asked any question i said it was for my uncle. The shopkeeper looked as if he doesn't care . I asked him for Wills, the brand i always wanted to try. Then i bought a matchbox. Start pedalling in search a safe spot.
Finally i reach a river bank. There was no one nearby. Perfect i said to myself. I put down the cycle on the thick grass ground.
I took the cigarette from my shorts pocket. Put it between my lips and i felted so much manly, I looked at the beautiful river like i am the king. I took the matchbox fired the matchstick, the wind made it hard to light the cigarette, every time i tried to light the stick the wind just blowed . The fire had burned my palm leaving a red spot and i could smell my skin burned. There is only one stick left and wind blowed them too. I felt that God was looking at me and won't let me do it . I keep looking at the beautiful view with the cigarette in my lips . Leaned back and i throwed the cigarette in the river. I thought about what have i done to myself and promised to never to do again in my life. Then came a local fisherman and he let me fish. I reached home happily with some fish in my hand.