

The Road to Grace part 16
Shawn's eyes flew open, concerned at the fatigue throughout his body.
Who got him out of the water? Where did that guy go?
"Shawn. Hey! Can you hear me? Can you understand me?"
Kelsey's distinct voice hovered over him before his blurry vision cleared enough to make out her face.
"Shawn...? Please say something..."
His throat felt dry and could tell his mouth was moving but no words come.
He shook his head slowly, frustrated.
Did he drown so bad he couldn't communicate?
He felt Kelsey grip his hand tight, "it's okay... you're in the hospital...you're okay."
But the tears in her eyes told him she must be lying.
"Why?" He finally got out, barely above a whisper.
She just looked down at him for a while before answering, "You had a really bad seizure. You're in the hospital. I was so scared but you'll be okay...they're taking good care of you."
A seizure? Is that why he fell in the water and couldn't get up?
"I'm so sorry I should've brought you to the hospital sooner... I didn't think this would happen...I called 911 the moment I woke up to you seizing. I don't know how long," her voice broke.
Shawn squeezed her fingers that rested in his palm, "water."
"Oh... yeah...you just..." Kelsey pressed the help button several times.
"Can I help you?"
"He's awake and he's thirsty. He needs water."
"Oh. Wow. Okay. I'll send someone in."
Why was his brain and mouth not cooperating?
Yes he was thirsty but that wasn't what he wanted to say.
He wanted to know how he got out.
Did Kelsey save him?
He groaned, feeling as if every muscle in his body had been strained.
Kelsey placed her other hand on his chest.
"Stay calm. It's okay..."
"Where...is the man?"
"What? What man?"
"Don't know."
Kelsey looked scared even as the door opened and a nurse walked in, making her way over to Shawn with a small cup of Kelsey guessed was ice water with a straw.
"Mr Guinn?"
"Oh, this is good. Are you excited?" she asked Kelsey.
"Yeah but... he's not... acting right. Is he alright?"
"Well, the CT scan come back fine. I know that. He has a bit of stress on his heart but that's normal with someone that has epilepsy. He's very lucky to be alive. And as far as we can tell no brain damage. Not knowing exactly how long his seizure was...the doctor guessed 20 minutes by the time the ambulance got there. His body is under extreme... overtime we'll call it. A good nap should help. Anyways, can I get you anything? You've been here all evening."
"Um, some coffee?"
The nurse nodded, "of course. Will you be staying all night? I can get you a pillow and blanket."
"...Yeah, I'd like to stay."
"Okay, I'll be back."
"Shawn...you do know who I am right?"said Kelsey once the nurse left.
He nodded softly.
"Okay...so you know, I told the doctor and nurses here were married so I could be here. Just roll with it okay?"
"Yeah... I'm confused."
"I know... I'm sorry. Try to rest. I'll be right here."
"Did you save me?"
"...Sure. Yeah..." She kissed his forehead, "is it enough evidence you're not a burden now?"

"That's good... keep thinking you're in the clear..."
What the...
How did that guy get in here? Why were all the lights out? No beeping from the IV machine, no sound of Kelsey nearby.
"What do you want from me?"
"You were never one of the brighter ones... I told you it's time to render your payment. She can't stop this. What's done is done."
"Where is Kelsey?"
"She...left. Your puny body was taking too long. She moved on."
"What did you do to her? She would never leave."
"You're as good as dead...just give up already. You're really starting to get on my nerves."

"Shawn! Shawn!"
Shawn opened his eyes to see Kelsey staring back at him and his heavy breathing soothed even though she had a frightened look on her face.
"You left?"
"What? No. I've been here all night I promise...are you okay?"
"... I think so...yeah...damn now I can talk... I wanted to the first time I woke up..."
"It's okay, I know. You've had a rough....day. So, you remember waking up last night?"
"You were talking about...a man?"
"Yes. He's following me. He wants me to die."
"...No. No ones following...Shawn I know this is a lot to process right now but...did you have an... experience? I think you might have...stopped breathing during your seizure."
"...if I died, why didn't I see your God you believe so much in?"
"Don't say it like that. God's the reason I found you after all these years. God's why you're talking to me now. By all medical reasoning you should never have woken up. God's in this. Believe it...it's true."
"He said you left me...and if I did die...what if it's the-"
"Don't even say it!"
"It's no secret I'm a bad person...you don't know."
"If you believe in evil why is God so hard to believe in?"
"Even so...he would've turned his back on me a long time ago."
"Don't say that. It's not true."
"These...dreams feel so real. It was like he was here in the room..."
"It's a trick...in your mind. I'm here and I can tell you God is watching over you. I know."
"I'm sorry I put you through this. You don't have to stay."
"Why would I leave? I thought you died and I gave you CPR. I was scared to death. I thought I was going to lose you."
"I don't want to be here."
"I know. You got to rest and get better."
"Have you missed class? Do you remember my promise?"
"No, I've not...listen, this is all about you. They must've seen your records and is sending in a psychiatrist soon. Do not talk about your dream."
"Am I dreaming now? Is this purgatory?"
"Shawn please listen. They can send you away if you don't sound sane."
"... Maybe that's "God's plan"."
"It's not!"
Shawn looked to her, shocked at her sudden harsh angry tone.
"I'm sorry... I just want you home. When we get home we can talk about your dream all you want. Nobody else is to know. Okay?"
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"... honestly... I guess so...you woke up last night talking about... suicidal stuff. They think you'll be a danger to yourself..."
"Why don't I remember it?"
"I tried telling them they couldn't take that serious. Your body and mind had been through so much trauma."
"Why do you care so much? If I'm crazy maybe they should lock me away."
"Really? You don't want to be around me do you? You only come with me because I pressured you?"
"You're too good for me."
"Says who? Your dad? Your...you still don't believe everything happens for a reason. I do. Even now."
"I don't want you to watch me die... I think my time is up."
"If it was up, you would've never woken up. You'll see. I never prayed so hard."
"...that man said 'she can't stop this'. What is this? Good fighting evil?"
"Every moment is good fighting evil."
"Every moment? So...it's just an endless fight of good versus evil? Nobody ever wins?"
"Yeah. You see, these moments of good fighting evil is choices in our lives. Many small battles, but in the end Good wins. Everytime."

© ScarlettFranklin