

We all have our own version of pain, whither it's losing a stuffed animal to losing someone close to you we all feel pain. But to quote Hughe Jackson's film 'The Greatest Showman' "a man learns who is there for him when the curtains fade aand the walls won't hold." In my beliefs any person in their darkest hour on their darkest day will find who is truly there for him. The reason I believe that is because if you have true friends they will stick with you through thick and thin no matter how much you yell at them, no matter how much you tell them that you hate them, they will stay. I have seen with my time on earth people cry of family disputes or someone not wanting to be their friend anymore. I have seen people break down from a family member dying, but they all have one thing that they all have in common. They all have friends and family to support them, share the pain and ease the suffering, but what happened when there is no one who has your back, when no one will come to your aid. You are left alone with your thoughts which get twisted and hurt you even more because without a silver lining at the end of your tunnel the pain just makes more pain in an endless cycle. I want you to imagine this, grey stone walls built up twenty feet to reach the ends of the ceiling. white marble pillars each reaching up and holding a beam, great windows of stained glass out for display to the world. red carpet with golden trim on its edge runs alone the floor of this cordor leading to stairs that go up to a pedestal. On those stairs sits a man with no emotions displayed on his face but his eyes seem to quiver when you look at them. His eyes are gorgeous, he has beautiful blue eyes making so hard to look away. He starts trying to speak but only his mouth moves, no sound comes out he reaches to put his hand on the side of your face. For a brief second you swear he smiles and you can read four words of his lips before a strong wind hits the building and turns everything you saw even the man into ash blowing away into the wind to find a new place else where. Now you are left in nothing except pitch black darkness, left there with your thoughts you drop to your knees and you have a whirlwind of thoughts ecompas every end of your mind. what if you held his hand, what if you said something back, what if you showed him some kindness then the words he mouthed comes rushing forth and you remember him saying, "Thank you for coming." Why was he thanking you, you were just standing there is what comes to your mind first. "It's simple," a voice said from somewhere in the shadows "you were just there in his moment of need you don't need to do anything more than just be there for someone to help them come out of the darkness." A light starts shining burning away all the darkness and now you are laying on your bed or sitting at a desk/table reading this piece of writing, now before you go I have one questions for you. Do you know what your pain is? Do you have someone to be there for you? and if the answer ends up being no for either one of those questions I hope you find them and it, because one cannot understand another's pain without first knowing pain of the same degree. Until next time...
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