

FrOst BitE (Horror)
The snow was coming down like crazy as Alex stood by his window watching it. All he wanted to do was go outside and play. "Once it calms down out there then you can go." his mother said. Well a couple of hours later the snow stopped falling and Alex rushed out the door before his mother could say a word. First he just stood in the snow and enjoyed the sight, it was the last time he would ever enjoy the snow again. The next thing Alex did was he built a snowman, a wonderful looking snowman, it had a scarf, a hat, some stick arms, 3 buttons, 2 button eyes, a carrot nose and 6 buttons that made a smile. By the time he was done It was time to go inside, and that night Alex stood at his window staring at the snowman. Alex fell backwards and landed on the ground with a thud. "honey are you alright." his mom said. Alex got up said he was ok, but Alex, Alex could have sworn that the snowman winked at him.

As Alex's mother tucked him into bed he told his mom about the snowman winking. "nonsense." she had said, but Alex knew what he saw.

Around 3am Alex awoke. He heard his parents screaming and he immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway. A streak of snow went from the front door to his parents bedroom. He ran to the bedroom and stop dead in his tracks. Stood there in front of him was the snowman he had built but it was alive, It now had razor sharp teeth and his sticks now had hands with sharp fingers. The snowman turned grabbed Alex and lifted him in the air. Alex struggled to get away. The snowman turned his head and then lunged towards Alex, the snowman bite into Alex's head and ripped it off. Alex's body fell to the floor.

A couple days later the police arrived at the family's house. "We got nothing sir." said one of the officers. "Strange." said the chief. The officer walked off. The chief turned around and saw a melted puddle near the woods. He walked towards in and knelled down. Next to the puddle said in blood were the words "I'll be back next year"
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