

It's love or hate (chapter 7)
As lots of questions was revolving in Rahul's mind and he came down with those questions and when he came down,he saw some one in his front and he smiled and said,"Tushar"(Kunal's school days best friend and Kunal share everything to him)"hey what are you doing here?"
"I came here for an patient", said Tushar;
"well Rahul,it seems that you are in tension"said Tushar;

"yeah, I am in tension and now what to hide from you",and he said everything to him;

Tushar is also shocked,when he heard everything and many questions is also revolving in his mind too and he said,"Rahul, don't worry I will go and talk to him";

then he went to Kunal's room,he knocked the door and Kunal turned back and said suprisingly,"Tushar!!!what are you doing here?I thought that you were going to come on the day before Tej's marriage"

"yeah,you are right but I came here for a patient "
"well will you not call me inside"he said it with an smirk;
"of course my dear doctor you are welcomed come inside",then both went to varendah and sat for about 10 minutes they talked about business and then they both became silent and then Tushar break the silence and said,"I know what are you thinking"

Kunal laughed,"how do you come to know what I am thinking?"

"that's what friends are for" said Tushar;
"not just a friend,a best friend"Kunal said with pride;"

then Tushar leaned a bit towards him and fixing his gaze on his face, he said,"and this best friend can see something in some one's eyes"

"o really?, what is it then?"he also leaned towards him;
then Tushar said,"this best friend can see kind of pain, sorrow and loneliness in someone's eyes ,some anger but lots of love f--.."
"what are you telling?" then Kunal got up from his seat,

Tushar also sat straight and continued,"can you say this by looking into my eyes?"
Kunal turned his gaze from him;

"why what happened can't tell?,you can't lie a person who knows a lot about you,Kunal you are going through all this turmoil, sorrow and sadness alone so,I came to share your pain,but you don't treat me as a friend,i'm nothing to you........,you forget me Kunal,you no longer treat me as your best friend;said Tushar;

"No Tushar,I don't forgot you,you are my best friend"and"whom am I trying to fool?Kunal thought himself,he and Tushar were known each other from childhood,so Kunal thought that,"there is no use of hiding it from him ,it's better to tell him now",
"the cause of my grief and pain is Ansha",he said finally.............

To be continue..............

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