

in love with the demon 2
Dragon birthmark

Episode 2

1 year later

"Don't worry, it's almost out" One elderly woman said.
There was a woman in labour, she is in pain but can't she go to the hospital. Why? Because, they have warned her not to go to any hospital because of some evil people looking for the child. Though, they are vampire but they has left the vampire worlds since they marry themselves.
"It's almost out. Now, push" The woman said
"Aahhhag" the woman shouted and a baby came out. The room was fill with a tiny little voice of a baby girl.
"My fear has come true" The elderly woman said sadly
"Mama, what's that? The husband asked
"Your daughter brought a dragon tattoo to the world. She's destiny to be your king's wife" The old woman said
"What?!" The both parent exclaimed together.
"And that's what I wanted to avoid. That's why I left the vampire world" The man said sadly
"You can't run away from destiny, it's not possible" the old woman said
"What are we going to do now?" The wife asked
"You just have to protect her from those council or else" the old woman shake her head sadly.
"I'll try my best to protect my daughter" the man said
"Cara, since you have gave birth now, you have to be the leader of the sisters of the light back, okay?" the old woman said
"I can't be their leader" the wife said
"You have no choice. It's your calling" The old woman said. "And you too" the woman turned to the husband. "Go back to your duties" with that she disappeared
21 years later
Arlena has grown up to a beautiful lady. She's twenty years old. She was happy because maybe this will serve as opportunity for her to go out. She was never allow to go out. She has a teacher that use to teach her at home. And yet Today mark the day she will be taken to the vampire worlds. Everything about her changed. She walked to the mirror after taking her bath and she gasped at what she saw. She's now more beautiful than ever. Her hair is two times longer. She has an angel eyes. "What's happening?" she whispered as she was checking all of her body. But she screamed when she saw her hand.
Her father, mother and their maid ran into her room."What happened to you my dear?" The mother asked. They were all surprised to see everything about her changed but not shocked coz they knew this day is coming even their maid, also was a vampire. Only Arlena was unaware of what she is.
"Mom, look at me. I'm changing. Now look at my wrist" she shouted.
They looked at her wrist and saw a tattoo of a dragon with fire com in out of it's mouth. That's the tattoo that appeared when she was first born but disappeared because of the evil people out there looking for her. But time has come for her to be taking to the vampire worlds.
"Arlena, we need to talk" her father said
"Like seriously" She said looking nervous
"Arlena, today is the day you mark 20 right?"
"Yes, father. You said there's gonna be a party for me" Arlena reply
"We aren't a human, Arlena" her father blotted it out.
She looked shocked but laughed it off. "Stop joking father. Mom, tell him that is not funny at all" she said with serious look
"Arlena, we are joking" her mother added
"Okay, what are we?" she asked hoping for no answer
"We are vampire while you're an angel born to be the queen of the vampire king to awaken his demon fully and calm him down. " her father explained
"Impossibility. Never" she looked shocked. "I have never see you drink blood before" Arlena said
Her father smiled. "Many time but you haven't taste it before"
"What of Anna?"
"She's a vampire also. Likewise you but an angel with half vampire" Her mother added
"No. This is not true. You're lying right? You guys are joking. Tell me the truth NOW" She shouted
"WE ARE NOT JOKING. WE ARE TELLING YOU THE TRUTH. AND TJEY WILL SOON COME TO TAKE YOU TO THE PALACE" Her father shouted at her frustrated by her behavior.
"Honey, calm down. It's new to her" the mother went closer to her and held her hand. "We are not joking, Arlena. That's the bitter truth"
Arlena snapped back from her mother. "No. I'm a human and not going to be anybody's bride apart from human. Leave me alone, all of you. I don't want to see you"
"Arlena.." She ran out of the house and began to run away
Arlena was just running away, she stop to catch her breath. She looked down at her wrist and shocked to see that the dragon tattoo has disappeared but still relieved. "What's happening to me?" she mumbled. The she suddenly felt a presence around her. The dragon appeared back on her wrist and began to shining so bright. She quickly stood and but was stunned to see some huge men looking at her.
"At last, we found her. Teleport to Zedd to informed them" one of the said to one wizard among them.
"W-who are you?" she asked fearfully
"Take her" the one that seems like leader commanded. "We have to go before the council come here"
The walked toward her but she turned back and began to run away. She was looking back but by the time she turned back she collide with one of the man.
"Vampire.." she mumbled and fainted.
T. B. C