

You are unlimited
Believe in your own potential. You are capable of great transformations. You have become so many versions of yourself over the years. There is still so much more for you to discover about yourself. Do not give up on you. Let your dreams shift and change. Let your ambitions rise and fall. But don't stop believing in your capacity for growth. It is not time for you to whittle your desires down to regrets. Experiment. Shift. Pivot. Be flexible in your identity. This world can be very difficult, but please don't be your own biggest barrier. Do not be the person who tells you that you can't do it, or it's too late, or you're too old. You can do it. It's not too late. And age does not tell you what's possible for you. Wherever you are now, you can be in a totally different place a month, a year from now. So much can change when you stay open. When you stay hopeful. Stop resisting life and the changes it wants from you. Let life take you on the tide for a while. See where you go. See all that is available for you when you're open to a transformation.
© Motivational Pathways