

sewn back to life
this story bleeds different from the others,these words I will offer you in hopes that you will sacrifice them unto any god you serve. I’ve seen how easy it is to steal and kill hearts and souls here in this world, and trying to be among them is a lot harder than I thought.
emotions are corrupting the heart and the pain deforms the soul, twisting it into a personal purgatory . The repetition of this onslaught of personal hells has become a new and darkened kingdom. burying the dead six feet under is now a reason to fall from their grace a reason to peel off your own face. the changes just to try and fit in has become my new favorite sin ,I mean the commitment it takes to endure and enjoy this world is astonishing the beings of this palace of unknown beauty are to be hailed not damned, I’m bleeding out these words with a half alive heart and almost human emotion.
© Rexican