

The betrayal
There's always a decision to make in our life. We can choose to help or to go away but this time it was too loud to run from it. It was a painful cry full of emotion her voice was heartbroken and as she spoke I could hear how betrayed she felt. I ran as fast as I could this cry, the screams were guiding me to find her, to help her I felt a connection as soon as I herd her I don't know why, who or what made me run to her but it was the right thing to do as I run I don't feel the ground under my feet it must be the end I couldn't think clearly. I'm falling, that's probably the end but no everything is moving in slow motion and as soon as I fall I start to feel this sense of hurt, pain, sadness come to me it must be the girl. As I walk where I hear the screams from they get smaller and less powerful like they're fading away. I finally find the girl but I get trapped just like her into a puddle it's difficult moving like that, as I try to free myself I hear a small voice different from the first one :"it's not worth it, it doesn't work" as I stop I turn around to see who talked and it was the girl looking at her perplexingly she continue :"trust me I'm here from six days now. Did you hear the screams too?" nodding she keep telling me what's happening :"I was tricked, there's nobody in need of help here if not the two of us. We were chosen to be the sacrifice, they all our family, relatives and friends to sell us" panicking I scream at her :"For what? Why? Who did they sell us to?" she finishes reeling me with a shaky voice :"To the ruler of the country but not the one that we see in TV or on social media, the one that rule even on him, the ruler that nobody can oppose from. He is the demon, he's evil and he just wants pure souls like ours so that he can feed his ego. We are doomed for life beacues our family sold us and now we passed his test.".
Someone was coming our way the woman crying and the screams were already over, as it comes to us I see my life passing in front of me there I go, it the end for me and this poor woman. The Evil, the Demon himself take us and my life has been sold away, taken away from me. I lost everything, I lost the need to be good, I don't want to help anyone anymore. Now I've become the bait, I've become the painfull and betrayed scream. Me and my new friend will do the work at our best so that other people can feel our pain.
© The unknown person