

Just Up There
I was sliding in my car so much so
that this day just got scary. But I hit
a tree and then. I am all about walking
But what is this. To many miles away
from the any thing and I change my
mind I am not walking that. So I get
back in the car and go backwards
and get the car from the 🌳.
Once I do then I get back on the rode
and I see a guy with a bag. And a knife
walking up the hill. So once I get up
the hill he disappears so I put my eyes
back on the rode. But it does not get
any better. In the dead of night driving
But I make it to the area I was going to.
But I see the door open and the house
empty so I go in use the phone and ask
where you at and they say. Up at gas station getting some snacks. So mystery
was solved what do you want from up
© lashes sullivan