

Father... daughter... freedom
April 1st, 2019....

A girl whose name was sarayu. She was 20 yrs old. She was restricted to go outside with her friends. But her brother have permission to go anywhere. She felt very sad & she thought that she would born like a boy...
She Sat on the terrace & started crying....
Her brother whose name was Jay came on to the terrace. He asked sarayu...
Jay :what happened dear ?
Sarayu: brother! Father restricts me to go outside with anyone, why?
Jay: father was restricting to go outside for your sake only sarayu.
Sarayu: if father restricts me to go outside for my sake. Then how would I know about the world. How could I lead my life happily brother.
Jay: your protection was more important than your happiness to our father dear...
(Conversation completed)
Sarayu stopped crying....
After 4 months...
Sarayu started going outside. Her father asked her, "why were you going outside everyday especially in the evening time?"
Sarayu: father you are more protective & I want to be more independent...
Father: roaming outside in the evening time & night time was not for girls... You didn't had that much physical strength to defend for yourself...
Sarayu:then then made me strong enough to fight against the situations.
I am going to self defense classes since 3 months to made me strong. I didn't to hurt you father. I just wanted to be independent....
Her father said nothing to her..... She asked her father," everytime brother & you would be not there to save me ."
She was running a self defensive academy. Her father is very happy...

If society is not good for girls. We have to make our children more stronger physically & mentally. Care is necessary. Extra care & protectiveness can destroys someone's happiness & freedom.
If brutal acts takes place even a women says, "why should that girl roam on road in that time?"
why can't a girl roam on road...?
Every one says be careful while going outside... Every one should also say don't be afraid to hit some one who behaves with you....