

The Silence I found
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
I had to run back again to where I came from, the walls looked new, I wasn't sure I came through the same hall. My heart pounding even more, I was losing my breath. "You still have time" I encouraged myself and tightened the sweater around my waist.

After all the circles, I came to another dead end. I was terrified, would I ever make it to the room on time? I could smell blood right at my throat, my body was worn out, I was exhausted but yet, as my heart beat, I told myself to go with it, to try again. To run again, perhaps it was just a dream I was about to wake up from.
This time, I threw away the sweater, my hair was in a mess, I was sweating, my shoes felt heavy and so I threw them at that corner. I ran back and forth, trying to find a way out that long corridor.
Slowly, I was losing it all, I couldn't go on, I stopped. I opened my mouth to scream for help, I was as loud as I could be or so I thought. It was only in my head, I couldn't make a sound. That was my reality.
I laid there on the floor, and in a second , I had fallen asleep and in my dreams, I was running through the same corridor with nothing but dead ends.
I jumped out of my sleep and this time more determined to find a way and teach my dad's hand in one of the hospital rooms.
I screamed "Daddy!" and surprisingly I made a sound. Maybe not as loud as I thought it would be, it was a silent whisper.

I got up, held myself together and ran even faster. Tears were rolling over my face, it was like rain. I saw a window and finally a door, I found a way out. I could hear all the notice, the beeping and trolleys bring pushed around. The doctors and nurses running back and forth.

And suddenly, a silence broke in with the sound of a breaking clear glass. I continued to run and finally I found him. I found him.
He was laying there in silence, quiet and lifeless. I was screaming but it was silent.
I shook him, begged him to make a sound but I was late. Too late to find the last sound.
All I found was the silence.

In that moment, he was gone, gone so far for my reach. I was breaking since then.
The silence I found.