

The Emoji Quiz - Peter Heffely
Hello starshine! The Earth says Hello! Well, this is Peter Heffely again, let me start with my another story- Emoji Quiz!

2 May 2019

My summer vacations were started. All bored, I watched TV in my bedroom. channel of some Formula 1 Car Race🚘. When the car race show on TV ended, I changed the channel and there I saw a contest. "THE EMOJI QUIZ! " 😊🤫😁🤣🤐😛

I was interested in the quiz. On that channel they told all about Emoji Quiz. They told that this quiz competition will have auditions in some capital cities of U.S. states which are - NEW YORK, WASHINGTON D.C. OKLAHOMA CITY, DALLAS and MIAMI. And the audtions in Dallas was on 7 May 2019, just 5 days from today.

I was very happy to see. But then I saw the registration fees which we had to pay before the audition was $15! Just for a contest my mother wont give me fifteen dollars. In my pocket money I only had $4. So, if I had to use my pocket money, so I would need more $15 - $4 = $11. So, I needed to ask my parents and convince them to lend me $11 and to let me participate in the competition. So, from that evening, I was ready to convince my parents. On the dinner table- I wanted to ask them but I was a bit scared that "What if they refused ro me?". But still I have to ask them. Briefly, I asked them-" Mom and Dad, there is a Emoji Quiz competition in U.S. in which children from many states and cities are participating. So can you let me participate and lend me $11 dollars for that? Please?". My father replied-" Pete, for your happiness, I can even give you $100. How much money you said? Mmm. Eleven dollars right? I give you $20.Take it." My father took out his purse from the pocket and gave me $20! I was super happy. And then I asked my father-" So, do you also allow me to particiapte in the competition?" My father replied-"Mmmm. No." "What!?" I replied. " Ofcourse I allow you as I gave you twenty dollars." My father said. "Oh." I was relieved. And now I don't have to use my pocket money also as I got $20. At night I slept very nicely and happily.

3 May 2019

I woke up and switched on the TV to see more info about Emoji Quiz. They said that in the Emoji Quiz you have to answer some questions related to Emojis. And I am a expert of that. But I have to learn all countries flags as there are flags also in emoji. Till evening, I practiced a lot about emojis. At night after dinner I again switched on the TV and saw that The Emoji Quiz has some sample questions on a
website . So I decided I will solve those questions on my laptop tomorrow.

4 May 2019

I switched on my laptop and started solving the questions. I solved over 30 questions. Then when I clicked on submit, I couldn't believe that my all questions were correct. So, I was ready to give the audition.

7 May 2019

Today I woke up at early morning as the audition was just at 10am. After some time, I woke up my mother but then she said "Pete. Because of your this quiz competition, why I have to wake up?". I replied - " Mom, I am all ready you just have to come to the audition venue with me." "Oh god." said my mother. At 9am, me and my mother went to the audition venue by taxi. We reached at 9:30am. So, I was very excited but I was nervous more. I told my mother that I was nervous. She replied -
" Pete, not only you, but all kids coming there are nervous. And you started it, so you have to end it." This This showed that my mother had no expectations from me. Still, I did not wanted to end it. I wanted to win it. So, I told myself that hindi language's dialouge. " Dar ke aage jeet hain!"

So, finally the audition started. There was a notice board on which was written- You will get 50 questions to answer. If you got 47 or more correct answers, then you will be selected for the final which is national level.

So there were about 100 children and there was a auditorium where we had to answer the questions... There would ask every child 50 emoji questions and then record that how many correct he or she gave. So, the quiz
audition started. And after 3.5 hours, my turn came. I was asked some questions and none were difficult for me. At 10:00 am the quiz started and ended at 8:30 pm in evening. We had to stay in the auditorium until the whole quiz ended. Finally, at 8:45pm, the results came. The announce announced- " So folks. The winner of this audition who will be selected for the national level is-" " Dhak Dhak. Dhak Dhak" An artificial hearbeat sound was played in the room. Then announcer continued " That winner is- come on guys everyone are winners but the grand prize goes to- PETER HEFFELY!" And I won! 😂😂😂🤓. That time I danced in the room in happiness. I couldn't believe my ears but yes he said Peter Heffely only.

So, I took the certificate and the pass that would let me enter the national level of the finale. I got out from the building and my mother was rushing to me to slap me for letting her wait so long but when she saw the prize, she melted. And she told me - " Pete, today lets order Pizza and cake. Lets Party!" I reached home and Pizza, garlic breadsticks, choco lava cake was already on the table! I ate it with joy. This was the best day of my life. At night, I slept nicely and happily.

8 May 2019

This morning was my rest day. I slept till noon and then went to play basketball 🏀 in my society's court. Then I ate lunch and started sleeping again! Nothing special today. But I didn't know that tomorrow there was a twist in this emoji quiz thingy.

9 May 2019

The finale of emoji quiz was on 11 May 2019 in Washington D. C. . But it was my bad luck that my father was very ill and my mother had whole house anand my father to take care of. She said " Pete, sorry but we both or even me alone can't drop and come with you to Washington D. C. . I wonder that Sophia aunt would drop you." " What?! Mom I can go by my own but not with her." I replied. "So get lost and go by yourself!" My mother shouted. I felt angry and I planned to go to the capital city BY MYSELF! I took my tablet to see the route while going. So, I would use my bicycle to go to Washington D. C. . On google Map it was showing it would be 5 days 5 hours to reach from Dallas to Washington D. C. by bicycle but I will increase the speed of my bicycle and will reach there in 1 day 14 hours as the time of quiz that day is 2:00 p. m. .

10 May 2019

Today at 12 a. m. I took out the bicycle and rushed out of dallas. I was having gear cycle at the full speed and somehow I reached out of dallas in 20 minutes! Anyways, then at
6 a. m. I reached Texarkana a city or a place like city. At noon, I reached Little Rock. Its not a rock. A city. At 9 p. m. I reached Lexington.

11 MAY 2019


At midnight I reached Winchester. And then I took a break on a rock and took a nap. Finally at 12 p. m. I reached the emoji quiz venue! I was standing there still and one man came and asked - "Hey kid. Why are you standing here? In front of this old auditorium?". " Sir, I came here from Dallas by cycle all alone. I have to attend the finale of the emoji quiz because I was selected for the finale. My name is Peter Heffely. " I replied. " Whoa! I am the anchor of the EMOJI QUIZ! and I know, you scored the most correct questions, 50/50 in the whole U. S.! Please come inside and have lunch. And why did your parents didn't come?" " Really?! I cant believe I scored this much! Thank you. And my parents didn't come because my father was ill and my mother was looking for whole house and my father." " Oh my god. No issues, please come inside and have lunch and some snacks with me and my team. You didn't have any snacks or food on the way, did you?" " No sir didnt eat anything. I just drank a lot of water and took a nap for 15 minutes on a rock near Winchester. And can you please call my parents please because I guess they will be finding me?" "Okay, you can call your parents on the telephone inside." So I went inside and ate a lot! And then called my parents. They were then fine and relieved. And they were telling that they will pick me from there. I mean, if their child goes alone, they hurry to pick up? Huhuh. Anyways, I told 'em that they should start their journey to the capital city where I am and come normally. Don't hurry up and don't come slow too. So, they started their journey as it would take 'em 18 hours to reach here.


I was taken to the final hall of the auditorium and there a person asked for my Pass. " Paaaaassssss?" I forgot my pass. Then the anchor came to that person and told him to allow me to come. That man agreed and let me in. All the cheering, horns, and screaming was in that 50 metres wide circle auditorium. There was also a circle stage.


"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the F-I-N-ALE of the EMOJI QUIZ! I welcome sosome children from different states who represent their state and themselves. So first I welcome Charles Gates from New York State. Now i move on to Linda Gennefier from Florida. Then, George Williams from Kansas who came to Oklahoma City but won for Kansas. Last but not the least, Peter Heffely from Texas who came all alone from Dallas on bicycle to this city! Can we please have a big round of applause for him? Thank you." anchor said.

Anchor continued - " So, let us start with the quiz. But before starting it, let me tell you some facts and info about the quiz kiddos.

1. This quiz would only have 10 questions.

2. There would be buzzer rounds for this. Computers will detect properly who pressed the button first.

3. The winner would receive $750 million, a trophy, and a basket of full of emoji badges and chocolates.

Thats it kiddos. So lets start with the first question-

Question No. 1, which of the following emoji is related to Nature?

Oh! Peter rang the buzzer first. Pls tell the answer. Thats correct Peter! Keep it up. So Peter Heffely from Dallas leading from all. So... " The anchor continued. And at the last question, that is 10th question, I was trailing by 1 point from Linda Gennefier from Florida. " The last question kiddos, What emoji is used when we are reliefed about something?
Oh! Linda rang the buzzer first. What's the answer Linda?" "Sir the answer is option B." " That's absolutely right Linda! Linda is the America Champion for Emoji Quiz! She won the finale!" Said the Anchor. I quietly hid under my desk and cried a lot. Suddenly I heard Linda speaking on the mic. "I am very happy today and very cheerful. Thank you god for your blessings and love. But I would like to also say that the most popular and best kid in this quiz right now is Peter Heffely. Can you audience just feel how does it feel to come from Dallas to this city? I know that I am the winner but the real winner is Peter! Because I don't feel that I won. I feel that whoever won, but the real winner is Peter. Can we have the whole America to give a big round of applause to Peter Heffely?" And believe me or not, from that day, everyone I met, clapped in front of me. And my parents told me that they were passing from a city with a big television and when Linda said to clap for me, all the people on the streets were clapping for minutes! I didn't won the Emoji Quiz but that was my best competition ever in my life. And here my first ten stories end.

Will meet you soon again,


