

Souvenirs Of Mansion
7:05 AM

This mansion was a traditional style English country house situated on the streets of the famous
and historic The Bishops Avenue, North London.

The owner of this mansion was Thomas Fred the old man, only a few people residing in The
Bishops Avenue knew about his family and his nephew Andrew.

In the early 1970s there was a mysterious story going around in the area that Thomas, older
brother James Walter had a daughter in her 20s who was the real heir of this mansion and the
whole property but due to some unfortunate accident his brother and his niece had died in the winters
of 1968.

Of course, these were the rumors that had gone a while in the neighborhood but after some time
the rumors had gone away.

But a letter was found in the possession of Thomas Fred who said that it was from his late
brother James Walter.

In the letter James had left a dying message for his younger brother that
goes like this according to Thomas.

My dear brother,

I hope this letter finds you in good health I don’t have much time left so I’ll
get straight to the point I was dealing with a black business here in Zurich due to which
fortunately I was able to keep the mansion and my daughter both healthy but some unforeseen
events had taken place here in Zurich so I wont be able to come back in London as we
promised. The black business has gone bad if something happens to me you are responsible
for the mansion for the time being until my daughter comes here and take over the property
and the mansion that I have left for her.

Your brother,
James Walter

The letter clearly says that the daughter was alive but in these many years she didn’t even once
called her uncle nor she visited the mansion.

So, the rumors took their place and everyone in the neighborhood thought the daughter might had
died. Till now there was no word from her so, two conclusions were made either she died or
maybe she is hiding from the gang that belonged to the black business her father was involved in.

So, by luck Thomas had taken over the whole property as well as the mansion as he was not
married and had no children to whom he could further pass on the mansion. So, he decided to
give the mansion to his nephew Andrew, his only family.

Andrew was basically not his nephew he was the only son of his best friend who had early died
in a car crash with his wife when Andrew was only 5 years old. So that’s how Andrew came
under his uncle Thomas Fred’s care…….

[Aislinn was on her way to the car with the keys suddenly she overheard someone talking to the
maid in the hall room the voices that Aislinn heard were familiar.]

What are those voices they seem so familiar to me seems like Rebecca and Thomas are talking
on some important issue but why does Thomas voice seem so sharp like he is a kind of rebuking

I don’t have the time to over hear them I should better check my car out there.

[Aislinn goes outside the mansion and straight towards the garden where her car was parked it
was raining heavily. The weather was not so pleasant in the month of October]

There my car is ohhhhh my its punctured I don’t remember that my car was punctured it was fine
when I arrived here how could it be like this.

I think someone was out here doing some dirty
tricks with my car I better look inside if something is missing.

Hmmm there is a luggage a big one it seems like I was planning to live here for a long time, I
better take my luggage with me and search it more thoroughly I might find something that will
help me to remember my lost memories.

Oh, what is stuck here in the passenger seat looks like a
scrap of paper. Something is scribbled on it, A clue maybe.