

Strapped: Warning and Introduction
Warning: Names of all characters are not related to any real-life individuals all this is made up for your enjoyment. All medicines, illnesses, and procedures are imaginary. As are the events that take place. Be aware there are events in this book that are harsh and might trigger those who have gone through physical or mental abuse. Please read with caution and enjoy!

Introduction:Hello everyone, my name is Sheno Adero and I am a damaged man. I recommend you be a thick-skinned and emotionally strong individual. Throughout this story there will be violence and trauma very few can handle reading about. Especially since I will go into grave detail, or as much detail as I can without breaking more of my mental stability.
You will learn more than even my closest friends have over our years of friendship. For heaven's sake, the only reason I'm writing this horror tale is because my therapist recommended it for not only my progress but for other damaged individuals as I.
Follow this tale with each page and be prepared before you read my journey. Those who are not prepared can and will most definitely be damaged. Enjoy and I hope this will help you and I heal our wounds.

P.S. I will be posting Chapter one later today. Keep a look out for it!
© Gs Emotions