

Solace Of Dark.
I have never though that darkness would be this beautiful and admiring.
A girl who was Once scared of dark now find solace in it. I have always been a sunshine person who scared to the dark and when I look somebody's sitting the darkness I found them creepy..lol
But now here I'm admiring the dark
Now it seems like a comfort place of mine. My mind feels relax and heart feels Less worried. Although my beloved anxiety is still their but that's alright its always there, anyways. Its like a part of me now a friend of me and my loneliness.
The quietness of dark feels so soothing. Its as beautiful as winters, calm and cold
at the same time.
Ppl say its not good to stay in the dark for too long and the best part is they are the one who pushes us in this dark world when we were the most rainbow nd sunshine kinda persons and now when we love to stay in the dark like creatures. They didn't like this as well.
Darkness makes you feel secure, heared and seen by doing nothing, its strange but a truth.
I think the darkness holds you and comforts you when you are at your lowest and being left lone by your people.
When you're confused , disappointed and shattered. That is the time when you found a real and true friend in the form of place which then becomes your permanent solace and a great comfort zone..!
Darkness is scary but when you closely see the world ,
You think no the world is scary and darkness is peace !

© ft

#Darkness #story #lifelesson #lifestyle