

Those Three Hours
After slipping into a dreamless sleep, Ilajna woke up startled by the wake up call of her father. Another day of struggle was awaiting her. A struggle with many names but none of its meanings ever matched.Yes, she was not depressed.She was a victim of depression.
Her name has the meaning 'strong' but that never made her so. She says...'you can see a physical disability...yet you can earn praise through what you can do, you can recover from physical injury...or you can predict the end...you can predict the new future....or if its cancer, you might die or you can recover, but you won't be tortured by the society or your friends and families..Its because your mind is with you...the people are with you..because they feel sympathy for you..but what about me.....'.She screamed deep inside.The society is narrow minded. Otherwise it wouldn't have murmered that love failure is the only cause of depression.
For her another challenge with the name 'Exam' was waiting .Three hours of mental torture ate up her soul.Nearby,'classmates'were busy piling up their answer sheets. Ilajna stared at the examiner who returned her stare with no hesitation. Three hours.... three decades....
'What if infinity is the number 3? 'she asked herself. There was a time when time was not enough for her. 'Who stole it? 'she wondered now.
Three hours of terrible war between her mind and soul ended in one hour.
She wrote it perfectly well but no questions could answer her answers.Neither did she expect any. She wrote her life and not any notes byhearted from guides and textbooks.She never expected any praise. But she never failed. No one asked her how the 'exam'was. But she did and got the same reply from all -'It was Fine'.

© Anjali Krishnan