

Her Soft Voice of Tranquility
It's so quiet and calm, and it's bright, yet warm. It's fuzzy, but it feels somewhat melancholic. As I walk on a path leading outside, the sunset in the distance shines down upon a mysterious girl.
She wears a laced dress; it is white and beautiful and looks like a bride's dress, with its skirt at tea length. Her hair is long enough to reach her back, and the wind brushes through her, creating a wave. She's holding the locks of her hair, and the least I could say was "Wow." She's like an angel, figuratively and literally.
She stands there, staring at the scenery. We're on a balcony...? No, we're outside. It's a railing with a bench directed toward the sun with grass patches everywhere. It's so blurry that I can't figure out where we exactly are. As I approached her, she turned around with a smile, yet I couldn't see her face. It was all blank, yet I swear I saw her smile.
"The sun sure looks lovely, isn't it?" She asked. I stood silent for a while. Her voice was so unknown to me, yet it hints at a sense of comfort and familiarity, almost as if I knew her. It was confusing to me, it felt like I was in a dream of sorts. She then spoke, "Why don't you come here?"
I nodded and stood alongside her. Although her face is unrecognizable, the scenery is just the same. "What brought you here?" I asked as I looked up at her. "Oh, nothing," she chuckled, her hands behind her back. "I wanted to see the sunset."
There it is again, that sense of familiarity. Where did this sensation come from—? "If you don't mind me asking," she spoke, interrupting my thoughts. She tilts her head and leans in a bit closer to me before continuing, "Do you miss that feeling of happiness?"
I simply nod my head subconsciously. "I do." She nods as well, before placing her hand on my cheek and getting closer. "Don't miss that feeling," she replied. "I won't go anywhere."
What does she mean? I don't know her, and yet, somehow, her words made me feel sad. But for some reason, the gentle brushing of her fingers against my cheek made me feel better, way too better.
She then let go of her hand on my cheek before turning her attention back to the setting sun. "You know, you're a sweet person." I was confused and about to open my mouth, but didn't react and waited for her to continue. "Bringing me food, buying me books..." She giggles a little as she pulls out a rose that defines nothing but purity and innocence.
"...And a beautiful white rose." I simply smiled and responded with, "Did I? I'm pretty sure we brought that together." I was dumbfounded by my response. How come I know that?
She then pulled my head down put the white rose on my head, and said, "Mhm. You remain a bit absentminded," with her hands on my cheeks. "And that's adorable."
"What about it?" I chuckled as I looked into her face, properly trying to see it. Seeing a faint dumbfounded expression on her face, she immediately asked, "What's with the stare?" I jolted in surprise and forgot how I was staring at her intently.
"I... I couldn't recognize you." I replied, trying to reach out to her face. She quickly holds my hand and slowly pulls it down. "Not now."
"We'll meet again, I promise you that." She once again smiled as her reassurance echoed in my ears like a lullaby. She then stares at the sunset again, brushing her hair.
"Once you wake up, don't forget to write my name down." Her name? Her name. Yes, that's right. "Lumieria, I'll find you."

#romance #writco #shortstory #lostlove #story