

for the love of my life
this is my story I never thought that I will go through things like this anywhere but at the same time for the love for my family and love for myself I love me and I moved here cuz I lost my house in 2017 to a house fire I try to live everywhere I can and I do good wherever I go but same time all films go through things and God bless through everything you don't do something just fine amazing that life have better purposes for for everybody no matter how families go through things or they just do so plenty much but for the love you still got to have that love it all about love it always go back to love but I've been betrayed by everybody and it's okay cuz I got me God have my back on everything I don't worry for anything I'd walk around and just do I won't complain and I am not going to complain I got life I'm able to do anything I want to that's God purpose not yours the word of Jesus and thank you for everything you doing my life right now and he showing somebody finds about everybody the ones I can't trust and the ones I can't trust but I'm not worried about that I'll give it all to him I just look at how life just bringing me through it I'm not worried about my past I have no hair my kids love me I love them I took care of them I fall very hard for my kids and I will fight for him no matter what and I'll fight for me no matter what I'm not scared of you streets I've been homeless I know how to have money and have not to have anything at all don't know your next meal going to be and don't know where you going to eat at next where you going to sleep but God knows where you going to sleep and we're going to eat and where you going to go and how you going to do it I praise him and I love him no matter what needs streets ain't got nothing on that sometimes you just have to let everybody have what they want if you got to give everything away God said I'll put it back I'm for he'll bless it back 100 I would read I was starting my story to let people know how strong some people have to be in situation that they always get put in a lot of times we don't get put in positions because of we're ready for it sometime God just let us know and show us that it's more in life that we still need to grow in and we still need to know and we going to find out in ways that he want us to really understand how that we can only love our family and try to do the best things we can do for them but the same time we have to grow love for ourself and still love us and he bring pain into passion and he pain into love and he also bring passion when we need the people need to understand sometimes life don't go the way we plan or the play the way we want it to but still let God be in control and he still will be in control
© Selena Ellison