

write something meaningful to other ppl
As you can see the title of Today write is about something what is not only meaningful to me but to other people as well. I just want to take the time out to share with you that you can be anything that you wish to be, once you hold your head up high and believe that your dream can come through then It will. Don't ever make anything or anyone stop you from being what you want to because know matter how a man/woman is bad everyone has a dream weather it's bad or good and I also hope that your dream is good enough bad people as accomplish there dreams it's time for the good people to do the same. Am going to share with you the biggest part about my dream. The biggest part of my dream is to be rich so I can help my family and friends I know it's going to be a hard battle to fight but am willing to do what must be done to achieve my dream. And I know I will achieve my dream because am going to achieve it by the (Hook or by the Crook) that's how serious I am. So imagine if everyone was that serious like me, don't you think the world would be a better place ? Well I think it would be. The purpose of my writing today is don't ever let anyone or anything stop you when your on your journey to making things better for you and your family, hold your head up high even if your a bad person hold your head up high and never stop holding your head up high until you make the impossible possible I hope you learn something from my writing thank you for reading, thanking you for understanding and thank you for learning something new..