

Their is a place where the dead body's get burn near that place,their is only two houses in that house,there was a two little kids named as david and bravo, one day they two heard the news that a person who made sucide for fear of enemy's that the sucide person body get burned near his house after a month, one night the two houses member slept, Bravo heard the david voice "bro i need some food and water "he grumbled and open the door and see outside their was nobody and he thaught mostly his mother called him and sleeped, and david heard the sound of bravo "bro some is trying to kill me please help me" so he suddenly woke up and sees outside their was nobody and he also slept,and the sun rises they both meet together and they came to know that the sucide person may be camed and tortured us and they both plane to go near the burnt place of the person in night(i will continue part 2 as soon i can,plz comment how you feel)