

The ghost

Joe and Jane got home and Joe decided to raise his twins in a convenient condition and let them live a joyful healthy life in the city other than that he lived at his childhood when he was living rural life in that small town, but Jane suddenly said: " hold on Joe, let me think; em! but I have another idea that you may admire", "why don't we move into our old town and live there until our twins grow up to let them know they had grandparents and so we can remember your parents for a while, as pictures on the walls and the furniture remind us how we lived and will let our children know how we lived too?."; then Joe thought a little and replied to Jane: "what a great idea! how did you get it? I thought city was good for our children, but your suggestion is better."

The couple moved into their prior twon, there was everything usual as nothing had changed, so when they arrived at their old home and got inside, everything was also in its place, the furniture, the drooping curtains , and the utensils in the kitchen were still in their places as they left home just yesterday, there was only a little thing that made the house seem old and abondoned since long, it was the spider webs which covered everything could be seen with the naked eye.

The couple made an overall cleaning up for the house, Jane washed all the utensils were in the kitchen, while Joe wiped the furniture and scrubbed the walls and the floor, they collaborated until they were finished, Joe told his wife to rest because they both got tired. Night came in and Jane went to the kitchen to make dinner while she let Joe dallying the twin in the hall; as soon as she got into the kitchen than she suddenly screamed out loud in a vioce that made Joe put his twin in the crib and swiftly go into the kitchen;
Joe: "Jane Jane", Jane was crying,
Joe: "what's the matter darling? what did really happen? don't worry darling it's okay it's okay" Joe patting her on back after having hugged her tightly, then said: tell me what happened now,
Jane: "I saw a ghost in the kitchen's doorway, and when he saw me he hid quickly";
Joe: "no Jane please, there are no ghosts in here, as we lived here before we never saw any of them, and I think you're just tired."
Jane: " I saw him, my eyes don't lie to me." ; Joe caught her hand and accompanied her to the hall and convinced her that what she saw was not a ghost and she just fancied him due to tiredness.

The next day Jane woke up early on her twin's crying, so she breastfed them and then said to herself: "I've woken now and it's morning! why don't I make breakfast? besides Joe may want to go to work early as the city is far from here?"
she patted her twin to let them sleep then went into the kitchen and the ghost was there again, it was a man ghost; Jane couldn't catch her nerves then she fled back to the bedroom waking her husband: "Joe Joe"
Joe: "what's up Jane you're going to wake the babies?";
Jane: "the ghost is there.";
Joe: " have you backed to your manias again Jane?."
Jane: " I'm not obssessed, besides my eyes never lie to me, just come and see by yourself, it's standing there."; then Joe got up and went with her to find a man standing in the kitchen's doorway, he called on him: " hello, hello man, who are you? the man was shut; then Joe approached to see the man smiling and let Joe wonder why was he smiling?. Then Joe got closer and closer to be surprised and say: " how come? you are my father, I think you look like my father and turned to Jane; Jane this man looks like my father, he's not a ghost as you think."; then the man spoke at last: " I don't just look like your father Joe, but I'm really your father that you thought was dead."; and he started sobbing then Jane got closer to him and wiped away his tears and said: " you're really Joe's father, you're my father in-law, you're not a ghost"; added: " but how come you're still living in such a house and the spider web was covering everything? how can I believe that?.";
then he replied: " I have a basement that no one knew except me and Joe's mom, and there I had retreated all the time until you came over, and when I heard your noise I decided to kid you before I could let you know who I am."
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