

Why do we consider the Culture of People when we Study Literature?
It is important to know the culture of the people when we study literature because of the fact that Literature is a diverse form of writings from different people who belongs to different culture.
While culture is define as the customary beliefs, social forms, and materials traits of a racial, religious or social group.
Culture is a hint for what we will get in a written literature, for instance by knowing the culture of the people or generation in a particular era we will already have a clue on what kind of insights we are going to read in thier literatures as for example in the Spanish period in our country were Spaniards introduce Christianity but at the same time they colonized us, it shows during that time the written poems and proses of our ancestry the Love to God Jesus, while anguished to the wrongdoings of Spaniards.
On the otherhand, its clueless to know the culture of the authors based on thier writtings.
So by knowing the culture of the people, it is easy for us to understand the reason behind each literature, besides from we can easily choose what kind of writings we wanted to read.

© ZachRoseAllanZane