

First time ever: Chapter 5: Love triangle
The relief was no one knows the truth: The kiss. I don't want to be a girl who can kiss anyone according to the peeople.

"I know they are sometime too much because there was a time when I was on the same team" said Mayank .

"Seriously, how can you be friends with them"

" No its not like that, I'm Aditya's childhood best friend but not anymore we are not friends anymore"

"Why you both are not friends because of some girl .... you know girls are the most of the reason for boys broken friendships". I always jump on the conclusion without even thinking how stupid im looking in front of him.Now I feel like I'm an idiot about saying that his eyes are still on me like he is reading something more like staring.

"It's not because of a girl it's because of his parents .. Three years ago they got divorced his mom was having an affair with some man and that man used to be his dad's best friend so all the fights, quarreling and arguments just broken his heart plus his dad is strict you know beating him so after that he started to fight with everyone who was near to his heart"

"but you give up on him, isn't it? you leave him when he needed you the most" My voice is full of sorrow I don't know why I feel like this for him but somehow he is not a bad person situation made him be like this.

"No Devika I can't leave my bestfriend when he is in misery. I just left him when he started picking fights with me when he beat me for no reason even you saw on the first day of the college that was the day when I finally gave up on him. When you start handling others sadness and anger your life started to be like them only. You know there is always a limit to take all the tantrum of the one you love." Our eye contact never leave us while we were talking.

Somehow I got convinced with his words you know how can someone just stop thinking to live there own life's.

He handed me a bag "What is this ?" I asked him.

"Open it just a little present for you"

" You know you don't have to do this just only because I'm getting bully by some asshole and crying on my bed" I said it with my laugh and side smirk always my thing .when I open it there OH GOD my favorite chocolates.

"How you know I like this chocolates?"

" Just some back research you know" Mayank said with his bright smile that light up my heart.

"So I talked to kavya she seems to be little down you should call her" said Mayank

"Yeah I will do it" I replied to him with my smile.

After Mayank left I called Kavya. According to her, her parents fought they always do but this time it is pretty serious. She is sick with her migraine and period crumps at the starting of periods are worst. She is resting this week at home only and she is going to visit her aunt house. So after talking on phone with her almost 2hours I headed downstairs. I gave the back hug to my mom and then kiss my grandma on cheek she always curse me for doing that but I know she loves it.

"So I just saw a boy leaving our house when I was parking the car so tell me there is something I need to worry or.. you know" My mom said by giving me that teasing smile.

"It's not that what you are thinking we are just friends nothing more than that okk he is Mayank from my college same class and same friend group nothing more than that" I replied her with my smiling face. Smile is never leaving my face as I love the moment when Mayank gave me my favorite chocolates.

"Okay got it I'm just little worried about you nothing more than that you can share me everything you know that and you know our talk about contraception"

"Mom please we don't have to do that talk okk I'm not taking anything with anyone" I said in annoying tone because I don't like that talks with my mom .

After dinner and our funny talks and some quality time with my mom I headed upstairs I'm not feeling sleepy so I sat on my desk and enjoying the view of stars and dark sky. I love how I can handle all the darkness. Many people in world love the lightness but I'm in love with darkness.

I'm sitting on my room window. It's dark outside only street lights are on my neighborhood and street are silent. I love this silence.

Silence. Peace. Darkness.

#Writco #Writcowriting #Erotica #Lovetriangle #Love

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