

Last train from Copenhagen.
It is past midnight. My man is sitting on the stairs to the tunnel, where our train is going from. I am fetching two strong beers for the journey. I am worried leaving him alone there.
In the bycycle parking house I notice a young woman on the ground. I think she is sleeping.
I am in a hurry to get back to my man.

In the shop I buy the beer and two meals to go!
Hurry back. An ambulance is noising through the night. Is it stopping??

Back in the tunnel two ladies circle around my husbond. Dressed in clothes that can not possible keep them warm. " Just have been to the automat" He is pointing at the cash automat across the stairs. I take his arm and get him safely into the train..

An ambulance is noising and blinking driving away...💙💙💙


This is true story from my life. I try to use the term called:"Show, don't tell"
but it is quickly written. I use to write in ink and paper the first edition and use computer next. Second writing I would think:" How could I show the ladies more, without telling about their clothes?"

Are there otherr things in the story, where same prosedure is needed?



© Lucia