

Let me ask you, the reader —
 The curious,
The do-er
What is it you desire most?
A Car?
A Home?
The perfect lifestyle?
A boyfriend?
A girlfriend?
A cure?
Well, let’s be honest. You need to stop wanting, stop desiring the things that’s going to make you weak.
We call this- “THE DISTRACTIONS”
It confines the space you are in.
You cannot want something that isn’t going to benefit who you are at this present moment.
“You need to give up who you are right now, for who you can be.”
When you tell yourself constantly who you are , you create the sense of magnetic phrases in which you attract good or bad. Depending on what you feed your mind on a daily basis.
I know work is tough
I know the lifestyle isn’t improving
I know the relationships aren’t travelling to your expectations
I know that you tired of being where you are right now.
You can choose to change that!
always find ways to define yourself as someone greater than who you are.
Treat yourself as good as you would treat others
Change your mindset by needing and desiring your dream
Place vision in your daily routine. And never fall back to who you were.
Change starts now and be determined and create and craft your determination from motivation, from all those who said it’s impossible.
Question everything and keep curiousity as part of your mind set. Because if you curious to find out what the next door opens, You will be reaching new outcomes and gaining new experience.
Don’t let age, time, people, money and your environment stop you from becoming who you need to be.

Once in ones lifetime ..
For a mortal moment, One must make a GRAB for immortality..
You are the investor of a new outcome. Your future is an act of who you choose to play. The universe is simply a blank canvas in which one takes the leap to paint a whole new world.
Aristotle once said: “You are what you repeatedly do, Therefore excellence ought to be a habit and not an act. ”
You don’t have to be great to get started. But you have to start to be great!
The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

The world is a perfect place to start your image. Not the graveyard.
In life we decide, we create, we prosper, we make mistakes. We will never be perfect. We were not created with limits. We just set them there not because of what your classmates, work colleagues, parents and friends say. But because we choose to limit ourselves. You might be 20 or even 65.. Who said the old can’t touch gold? Who said the young can’t find themselves. The generation isn’t a problem, understand that everyone is trying to make progress for themselves. Stop watching and start your road. Don’t travel the road most follow on. Travel the road with no tracks and leave behind a trail. We design our appearance by the make-up and clothes we wear. Why can’t we dress up our future as great as we dress ourselves daily.
Please go find yourself and even if you may get lost, it’ll be the greatest journey one can take.
Always remember its not the destination that changes you.
It’s the journey that does..

© A Whisper from