

Dementophobia - fear of going insane.
-It's so cold, hurry up!

-I swear I'm trying to hurry, but I can't see anything, give me your damn hand and stop looking behind.

It feels like they've been running for hours, an unfinished nightmare in which the dark of their feet rise through the white snow ready to snatch their heads making them close their eyes for a second, because of fear maybe.
-He is coming, he's going to kill us! the little girl started to cry, trembling and moving frantically almost scream as the boy near her pull her body behind an old big three, their only protection against the madness from behind.
If you were holding your breath and listening carefully you could hear the whispering voice saying mockingly: I have a little more and I will find you…
-Ivy shut the fuck up or we're going to be both dead, please shut up, he barely whispers tensed as hell.

And then a painful and deafening silence penetrates their frozen flesh, so abnormal because it was the month of March, not mid-December... but it was the last thing to worry about.
5 minutes.. 6..7 and he's not there with them.. a sound as small as crushing the snow with a heavy pair of boots make them go insane but also while swallowing some fear he approaches so slowly like you will think time stops and he's going to bite the life out of you... but it's worse than that.
In a fraction of a second, it appears right in front of them the eyes thirsty by a new end of the game and-
-Derek!? What the fuck are you doing? You scared the shit out of me, god.. retarded child. You were the one who followed us?
-I have better things to do with my time you idiot, he starts laughing.. but it seems false for a second.
-Anyway let's leave quickly, maybe some lunatic it's here in these woods, Ivy said with much suspicion and searching eyes on Derek.
They didn't even notice that the coldness it's long gone… little birds singing while our '' hero'' let them take steps ahead.
-Did you get it done, the job? a stranger raspy voice asked in his headphones.
-Not yet, but it won't take much from now on, you know I'm a pro at hiding and seek.
-How you say, freckles.
And so he hung up the phone but not long time after, he was ravished by an old feeling, fear, meanwhile his eyes traveled from the ground to the innocent-looking sky seeking his madness seeing their bodies hanging from an old, dry tree, the rope from their necks gathered louder and stronger making such beautiful blue and purple colors on the bruised skin of these two young children's was making Derek face whiter than ever before, he didn't put them there, he didn't feel, hear anything so… there must be someone else here, watching and closely study his movements.
He looked around, he couldn't see anything, but ears do not fool anyone:
-It's your turn to the hall and back, where all nightmares should be back.. a hoarse voice sings while his legs move right in to the black hallway where hungry creatures rise their body climbing on the door in the back of the hall staring into his eyes with open mouths and sharp teeth ready to melt his sanity once for all while a hand it's grabbing his hand desperately.
But the most important thing in his mind is… who's narrating all of this story? he could hear the voice of a woman who is taking right now…whispering, describing his actions...
He observed too late the strings around his body and how he's being turned in another lifeless marionette hanging above the ground in a different tree: the special corner.
The other desperate hand never reached him in time.
However, when he wake up he can see the cuts, but also, his friends were back alive in the kitchen giving him a cup of coffee which it said : forget about it.
© rubickon