

hear's a key, now open the door!
There was once a famous magician! Named: Hudini,

Hudini claimed that he could BREAK OUT of ANY jail cell IN THE WORLD! all he had to do, is put his street clothes on,
"I'll be out of there in #1hour! No problem!" he said...

Well, 2 days later, a very OLD jail from the south accepted his challenge!

The same day, many went to the event! Waiting outside of the jail for Hudini,
Hudini walked in the Jail, and into the cell, and the Lock smith SLAMMED the metal doors behind him,

Then, Hudini started working! First: he took off his vest, and Then: very STRANGELY, he took off his BelT,
Inside his Belt, was a ten inch piece of steal, very tough and very flexible,
Hudini started working trying to unlock the lock,

But he couldn't do it,

After 1hour, he was Bath in sweat after 2hours he was strangling the cell with his hands trying to get out, after 3hours, he was yelling at the lock smith to "please! Get me out!"

After 4hours, he gave up, and collapsed at the Cell, which then, OPENED,

Cuz, you see, the door was NEVER LOCKED, well, it WAS locked closely, and firmly!, in Hudini's MIND!

So now, tell me, how many doors in your life have you struggled to open but are actually, never even locked?

How many times have you been stuck in that "MenTal pRiSon" of over thinking, in which actually HaD a SIMPLE SOLUTION!

Break out of that!
Because like Hudini showed us: "The only doors that are locked, are in your own mind!" and all you have to do, is walk through.