

Closed Shop
Standing on the hill top, feeling the breeze kiss my face, I thought about the closed shop. All the memories locked in the room, and the key was in my hand. But I lacked the courage to open it. Along with the cherished memories, there are some which I would like to never open. The reasons for the shop to be closed still surprise me. They seem petty to an outsider, but the anguish felt by us is unexplainable.

No one in our family wanted the shop to he closed. But the circumstances forced our hands and locked it. All is well now, but the void I feel in my heart and the sadness I see in father's eyes cannot be ignored. Silently, all of us think the same question, was it the right choice? Closing the shop was hard, but the significant improvement in the health of my father somewhat diminished the guilt. Work had dominated his life for forty years, and scraped at his health, both physical and mental. Family time was something new here, and it was good. Smiles and laughs while having dinner is a dear time to us.
So yes, it was a right choice.
