

Being poor
Being poor is hard, a mean who would want to be poor ? Being poor is like giving someone a belt to beet you everyday because you don't have an control over it to tell them when to stop from beet you. But what some people don't understand is that being poor teaches you a lot it let you know who is real from who is fake, it also gives you the ability to be rough and it also opens a knowledge of understanding in your brain you just have to be smart to know that being poor teaches you alot. Being poor also makes you live one day longer because in these times people will kill you for your own of things (FACTS) a mean you can working all of your life just to have something good in life and someone can see you doing that and take your life for it. To all my rich foaks out there even though you are rich try to act poor every now and then so the haters can't study your intentions and your thoughts. Being poor is not easy but it teaches you alot, try to think like a poor man and you will see what am talking about...