

my feelings
I want someone to dance with me at 3 am when I'm drunk and manic carelessly because they understand it will pass. I want someone to deeply listen to me and feel the pain in my stories and all of my past. I want someone to incorporate new ideas and new plans to me that I can follow. Something I can look forward to. I want someone to remind me how kind and sweet I am, how I can be the most free person I want to be. I want someone to grow with. I don't want someone to waste time with. I want someone to admire all of the little things about me and tell me about them in the middle of night before we fall asleep. I want someone to let me vent and say hurtful things and watch me realize how wrong I was. I want someone to watch me and admire me for who I am. For how strong I was, how I used to be. I want someone to be able to communicate to me that they are bothered by something I did. I want someone who is honest and forward with how they feel.