

[the toughest journey : the beginning]
[a #writco.in story series]

Born on July 13, 1986, at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Zimbabwe, Joshua's life began in poverty. His parents, Gibson and Maria, struggled to make ends meet, often going without food. Despite their circumstances, Gibson, a skilled farmer, held onto his dreams, refusing to let poverty define him. He believed in his ideas and his ability to succeed.

Gibson's determination inspired Maria, who admired his resilience. One day, he encouraged her to seek a job at the nearby sawmill farm. Maria, though hesitant, respected her husband's wisdom. She approached the farm, asked the garden boy for directions, and found her way to the manager's office. Mr. Lebo, the manager, offered her a six-month contract, which she gratefully accepted.

As Maria began her new job, the villagers discouraged her, warning her about the farm's poor working conditions. "People are working like slaves there," they said. "It's better to start your own farm," one old woman advised. But Maria remained resolute, knowing that her family needed the income.

Meanwhile, Gibson planned to sell plastic flowers and African hats in Harare, a venture he believed would bring prosperity. He spent hours perfecting his craft, determined to succeed.

With their combined efforts, the family's future looked brighter. But challenges lay ahead, and their journey was far from over. Gibson faced stiff competition in Harare, and Maria's job was far from secure. Yet, they held onto hope, knowing that their love and determination would carry them through.

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