

Echoes of Tommorrow
Date: October 30, 2037


Mother (Son’s Mother)
Sister ( Son’s Younger Sister)

Scene 1:
(This scene depicts an interview with the father, focusing on his absence during the interview and the family’s response.)

Setting: Interview room with the Interviewer, Son, and Mother.

Interviewer: Now it’s your father’s turn. I’m looking forward to a nice conversation with him.
(Interviewer’s phone rings, and he exits the room.)

Son: Mother, he wants a nice conversation with father.

Mother: Yes, I know. It’s really difficult for him.

Son: My father will never be able to do it.

Mother: No, I’m talking about the interviewer and how he manages to conduct the interview if your father doesn’t say a single word.

Son: Mother, then what should we do?

Mother: Just say that your father is not at home, and explain about your father yourself because no one can understand him better than you.

Son: But mother, you and father taught me not to lie when it’s not necessary.

Mother: Son, you’re right, but this situation is an exception. It’s okay to bend the truth a little.

Son: Okay, mother, I will do it.

Mother: Let’s wait for the interviewer.

Scene 2:
(The interview begins, with the Son representing his father.)

Setting: Interview room with the Interviewer, Son, Mother, and eventually, the Father.

Interviewer: So, let’s start the interview with your father.

Son: Actually, sir, my father is not present here currently. Can I represent my father? I mean, can I tell you about him?

Interviewer: Ah, okay, if you say so. We just want to know about your father.

(Son and mother exchange a smile.)

Interviewer: Tell me about your father, how he has helped you achieve this significant accomplishment, and what does he do?

Son: (Looking anxiously at his mother)

Mother: (Calming him down)

Interviewer: Did I say something wrong? Let me know if...

Mother: No, no, it’s just...

Son: Mother, wait, let me handle this.

Son: I will share everything about my father that you want to know.
(He continues)

Son: My father is highly introverted, sensitive, sometimes lazy, sometimes hardworking, and a kind person. He may not have a glamorous job, but he does work to earn a living. However, his true passions lie elsewhere.

Interviewer: (Puzzled)

Son: Yes, I’m telling the truth now. My father is at home, and we didn’t let you interview him because he would be too anxious to do that.

Interviewer: (Stares)

Mother: Son, please don’t...

Son: No, mother, please don’t stop me now. I’m following what you and father taught me.

(He looks at the interviewer again.)

Son: It’s true that my father may not be conventionally successful, but he’s never stopped trying. He has an incredible imagination but struggles to channel it effectively. He might seem annoying sometimes, but he’s also caring and kind-hearted.

Mother: Son, that’s enough.

Son: Mother, I have father’s permission to share these things about him whenever someone wants to know him.

(Suddenly, the father enters the room.)

Father (Myself): Ah, what’s going on?

(Nobody hears what he says, everyone watches him.)

Father: I think I should go now.

Interviewer: So you’re the father of this impressive young man. I’m glad to meet you.

(Father awkwardly shakes hands with the interviewer.)

Interviewer: Tell me your views on your son’s recent achievement.

Father: (Pauses, struggling to speak) Nice... Amazing... Keep it up.

Interviewer: Sorry, can you please say it loudly? I didn’t hear it clearly.

Son: (Nervous) Sir, my father has an important engagement. Should we continue?

Interviewer: As you wish.

Son: (Composes himself) As you can see, my father doesn’t fit into predefined molds of good or bad. He’s unique, and he has his philosophy. He doesn’t compare himself to others; he focuses on self-improvement, comparing himself to his previous versions.

Interviewer: (Engaged)

Son: My father has challenges, phobias, and anxieties that hinder him. While these can be overcome, he’s hesitant to seek therapy.

Son: Sometimes he may seem distant or odd, but he struggles to express himself due to his anxiety. He once called himself the “baddest person in history,” but I disagree.

Sister: (Interrupting) Brother, why are you saying only negative things? Father has strengths too, like...

(Sister playfully jumps onto father.)

Sister: Father, what are you good at?

Scene 3:
(The father finally speaks up, revealing a more nuanced side of himself.)

Setting: Interview room with the Interviewer, Son, Mother, Father, and Sister.

Father: (Clears throat) Ah, excuse me. What’s going on here?

(Everyone turns their attention to the father.)

Son: Dad, the interview is about you.

Father: Oh, I see. Well then, let’s get this over with.

Interviewer: (Smiles) So, you’re the man behind the scenes. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Father: Pleasure’s mine.

Interviewer: We were discussing your views on your son’s achievement.

Father: (Pauses) Well, I’ll be honest. I’m incredibly proud of him. He’s achieved something I could only dream of. And, uh... (hesitates) maybe I didn’t express it clearly earlier. It’s amazing. Truly.

Son: (Surprised) Dad, you’re doing great. Just relax.

Father: Thanks, son. (Smiles awkwardly)

Interviewer: So, it seems your son mentioned some challenges you face. Would you like to elaborate on that?

Father: (Sighs) Sure, I mean... I’ve always been a bit of an introvert. It’s not that I don’t care or that I don’t love my family. It’s just... I find it difficult to put my feelings into words. (Looks at his family)

Mother: We know, dear. We understand you.

Father: And about the phobias, yeah, they’ve been a hurdle. But I’m trying to work on them. It’s just not easy.

Interviewer: That’s commendable. Facing your challenges head-on takes courage.

Father: (Nods) Thank you. And, my son, he’s right. I’ve had my share of failures, but I’ve also learned a lot from them. Not everything needs to be grand; even small accomplishments matter.

Son: That’s an important lesson you’ve taught me, Dad.

Father: (Smiles at his son)

Interviewer: Your son also mentioned your imagination and how you envision things.

Father: Ah, yes. I’ve always had a vivid imagination. But I tend to get lost in my thoughts. They’re like a maze sometimes. (Chuckles)

Mother: Your creativity is a gift, darling.

Father: Well, I’ve begun to channel it into writing. It helps me express myself, even if it’s just for me.

Son: Dad’s stories are amazing. I’ve read some, and they’re truly unique.

Father: Thanks, son. I appreciate your support.

Interviewer: It’s heartwarming to see your family’s unity. Now, any thoughts on your son’s perspective about comparisons?

Father: (Nods) Yes, he’s right. Comparing oneself to others can be damaging. I believe in personal growth, in becoming a better version of oneself.

Sister: (Excited) And, Father, you’re really good at making people laugh.

Father: Am I?

Sister: Yes, whenever you’re relaxed, you tell the funniest stories.

Father: (Laughs) Well, I guess I have my moments.

Interviewer: It’s evident you have a diverse range of qualities. Your family clearly holds you in high regard.

Father: Thank you. I might not be perfect, but I’m doing my best.

Son: And that’s what matters, Dad.

Scene 3 (Continued):
(The father shares more about his past struggles and growth.)

Setting: Interview room with the Interviewer, Son, Mother, Father, and Sister.

Father: (Pauses) You know, I wasn’t always as composed as I am now. In my younger days, I had my quirks, let’s say.

Son: (Curious) Quirks? Like what, Dad?

Father: (Smirks) Well, for instance, I had this phase where taking a daily bath felt like an unnecessary chore. My parents had to remind me constantly.

Mother: (Laughs) Yes, that’s true. He was quite stubborn about it.

Father: (Sheepish) Yeah, I guess I was. And speaking of being stubborn, I used to drive my parents crazy by refusing to do things they wanted me to.

Son: (Grinning) Like what?

Father: Oh, you know, the typical stuff – cleaning my room, focusing on studies. I had my own way of doing things, even if it meant ignoring their advice.

Mother: (Teasing) You were quite the handful back then.

Father: True, but I’d like to think I’ve grown since then. It took me a while to realize that their guidance was valuable.

Interviewer: It’s fascinating how we evolve over time. Now, your son mentioned your social anxiety.

Father: (Nods) Yes, social situations used to be a challenge. I’d rather stay indoors than face a crowd. It’s something I’ve worked on, though. (Glances at his family)

Son: You’ve come a long way, Dad.

Father: Thank you, son. Your support has been instrumental.

Scene 4

(The interview wraps up on a positive note.)

Setting: Interview room with the Interviewer, Son, Mother, Father, and Sister.

Interviewer: It’s incredible to see how far you’ve come, overcoming challenges and embracing change.

Father: Change is inevitable, and growth is a choice, I believe.

Son: And speaking of change, Dad, you’ve also started going out more often now.

Father: (Smiles) Yes, I realized that there’s a world out there waiting to be explored. I won’t let anxiety hold me back.

Interviewer: That’s a powerful mindset.

Sister: And you’ve even made some new friends, Dad.

Father: Indeed. Turns out, when you put yourself out there, you find kindred spirits.

Mother: I’m proud of how much you’ve evolved, dear.

Father: Thank you, and I owe a lot of it to this family’s unwavering support.

Interviewer: Your family’s bond is truly inspiring.

Son: We’ve all learned from each other’s experiences.

Sister: And we’re always here for one another.

Interviewer: Your journey is a testament to the strength of familial love.

Interviewer: It’s been a pleasure learning about your family dynamics and your unique qualities, which make you who you are.

Father: Thank you for understanding.
Son: And thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our perspective.

Mother: Yes, it’s been cathartic in a way.

Interviewer: Your family’s honesty and openness are truly refreshing.

Sister: And fun! Can we do this again?

Interviewer: (Chuckles) Maybe sometime. Keep embracing your individuality, each of you.

Father: We will. And thank you for this conversation.

Interviewer: My pleasure. Best wishes to you all.

(Everyone exchanges smiles as the interview comes to an end.)

The forthcoming segments of the narrative will unveil the profound revelations surrounding the main character's true identity and intricate history. The present introduction merely serves as a prelude to these forthcoming revelations, setting the stage for the unfolding saga that will provide insight into the depths of the protagonist's real self and enigmatic past. Stay tuned for the riveting chapters that will delve into the heart of the main character's journey.

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