

Betting on a Loser Pt. 3
Jill was at home, on the outskirts of Forgeview, attempting to write some in her current book... But the triplets were not cooperating today! The two boys would not stop arguing amongst themselves, and the sweet girl would not stop crying.... Three year olds are difficult, but 3 three year olds was next to impossible to handle alone! 

And as if you didn't know it, I'd say you could almost guess where Willy was! Because he most assuredly wasn't home from work yet.

Thats right! You guessed it.... He was, for sure, to be found at Shelly's Bar tonight. And Bart and Willy were there pounding the shots, together! Rhonda was there too.  Jill didn't quite understand Bart and Willy's childhood relationship. But they were being cordial with each other today, none the less. Some relationships die easily, others not so much!

Now usually, Jill wouldn't let this typical Willy behavior bother her... But tonight, it was not going to end well for Willy!

Jill was fed up, and Willy was none the wiser. But that changed, and Willy would soon see the errors in his ways! By the time the neighbor, Maggie, came over to sit with the triplets. Jill was beyond highly upset! And soon she was on her way to Shelly's...

As soon as Willy saw Jill bolt into the door at Shelly's... He knew it was gonna be bad! He had honestly never seen her as hot to trot, as she was in that moment. But Willy was doing no harm, other than having some shots of whiskey with his buddy....Bart! Something that rarely ever happened anymore.

Bart was stressed about his date with Emily tonight! So he wanted to get a bit of a head start before dinner, just to relax before meeting up with her. But Willy knew better than to diminish all the work Jill put into raising the kids. While still being attempting to work from home!

So when Jill sat beside Bart, and greeted him! Willy chose to bite his tongue.The small talk between Jill and Bart appeared to diminish Jill frustrations a bit.  But Willy knew better than to underestimate Jill's ability to control herself!

Willy finally spoke up, and greeted his wife! "Hey baby!" he said....That's when her temper unleashed itsself! Willy, she said.... Do you happen to know, our children are having major temper-fits at home today....And I could really use your help with them, can you please drag yourself away from your friends....and come help me raise your kids? Please!!!

Willy sobered up pretty rapidly, betting he could smooth this over at home! And he was out the door, shortly behind his wife.... Shouting at her, trying to get her to slow down! Of course, Jill definitely did not slow down.

He also did not smooth things over at home.... He perpetually made it worse, and worse! Arguing with her to the point of waking one of the triplets, which Maggie had just gotten to sleep.  This set Jill off into a deeper rampage, even more so than she had been prior to him waking the toddler!

That's how the argument started...