


*Ephesians 6:1-2*
_1.Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 . “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise._
*Proverbs 1:8,*
_My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother;_

Obedience is simply doing exactly what one has been told to do. Every child, has been instructed by God to obey both their father and mother. But unfortunately, in the world today, many children are disobedient unto their parents because they think their parents might be wrong, are telling them things contrary to what they the children like or are over stressing them out in the case of errands.
This happens just because the children don’t have obedient spirits. This can be corrected through prayer and constant study of the word of God. The truth is, whenever we children disobey our parents, in the near future we realize that, they were right and we were wrong. One day, I heard a conversation between an elderly man and a young girl. Whatever the elderly man told her was not suitable to her. The elderly man happened to be her teacher. She wasn’t the only one in the class but she alone felt the man was wrong. The teacher just looked at her and said, “Never think you know more than the elderly because we have lived in this world longer than you have. We have gone through your current stage so when we are advising you, we know what we are talking about.”
In Ephesians, 6:1, the Bible tells us to obey our parents in the Lord (according to the will of God not against His will). So if our parents instruct us to do things that will not please God we mustn’t do it. There was a story of a woman shouting on her young girl just because she was God-fearing and didn’t want to mess herself up with men. Her mother claimed that she was aimless because colleagues were out there making money in fornication and she wasn’t. Such an instruction is obviously not in God’s will.

```Let us pray always in order to be guided by God first, even as we obey our parents in the Lord, Amen.```
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