

First time ever : Chapter 6 Feelings
After that day I haven't seen Aditya for three days. I don't know why he was skipping his classes. I even asked Mayank if he knows something but he also don't know about anything.

Kavya is also on leave so it's quiet boring now I miss her so much. I haven't told her about the kiss with Aditya I want to tell her in person.
I'm just waiting for her.

Mayank started being to good to me. I always doubt people when they start showing affection to me. That's the bad habit of mine. I should appreciate his behavior atleast he is not reacting the way Aditya behave with me all the time like I'm his Enemy.

I don't know why he is in my mind I just dont want to think about him.

Today almost 5 days are over. Aditya is still absent I'm kind of worried. Is it about his parents or any other problem I don't know why he is not attending the classes that kiss was nothing to him.
What should I expect from him he is one of the bully boy of the college.

When I was about to leave the college, I saw Aditya's group standing there on the college gate I think I should asked them about Aditya I don't know why but my mind is lingering on him and my heart is worried for him.

As I started to move towards them many of the group members were already left there was only two members of his group I don't even know there names because Aditya is senior of mine and the boys of his group are also my seniors so it would be better to just ask them about him once.

"Hi" I said "My name is Devika".

Both of them exchange the confusing glance.

"Hi" one of them said.

"I just want to know about Aditya, why he is not attending the college?"

This is not good now I feel stupid enough to question them about this. Both are laughing on me.

"You are worried about Aditya or you are worried about your bully"

"It's not like that I just thought something might have happened"

"We also don't know. I think you should call him I will give you his number"

This idea is not good I think. But I think atleast I can talk to him.

After his friend given his number I saved his number by A only I don't know why but I don't want to put this whole name.

As I reached home I changed into shorts and sweatshirt I know this combination not go with anyone like that but I love it I turned by long hair into bun. okay now I think I should try his number.

As I dialed his number the call started to connecting to him by ring. As he picked up I cut the call. I don't know but I want to know how he is but I also don't want to look like a girl started having a crush on him. A crush. I think I started having a crush on him but I can't just have a crush on someone like him.

My phone started ringing with my favorite ringtone paper rings by Taylor swift.

I picked up the call.

"You always do this. you dialed someone's number and then cut it when they pick up. Nice trick to getting my attention" He said. Something in my heart jumped at his voice.. relief that felt my heart and my heartbeat is pounding loudly never happen like this in my life.

"It's not like that"I said nervously.

"My friends told me about how my queen is worried for me. Only five days and you are on your way in love with me huh D" He said with his flirting tone.

"I think you got wrong idea about it then I'm not worried about you plus I'm not in love with you so you should clear your mind with wrong assumptions"

"Okay then what you want to talk to me"

"I just want to know what is going on with my enemy"

"Enemy such a brutal word for me."

"You are such an idiot"

"You want to talk in person because I'm kinda busy here with my dad's office stuff tomorrow in campus 9 okk"

"Okay Ènemy" He started laughing on my word and I added my laugh in that.

"Okay then byei"

"Bye" I said.

I'm waiting for tomorrow.I just want to see him it's been few days only but then also. I can't deny my feelings and I don't want to deny it.

I haven't slept a single minute whole night huh my overthinking always makes things worse for me. Today I want to look good I don't know why just something in lavender. My fav color. I grab some high waist black jeans like the one in Korean dramas I love this jeans though and my crop top with lavender color v neck deep v neck . Top is kinda hot for me. now I'm ready.

On my way Mayank met me we headed together towards college.

"You looking amazing today". Mayank eyes are never leaving mine. First time when we met I almost had crush on him but when I started to know him I don't have that feeling at all. I don't know why but my crush on him just fade away. After all there is difference between crush and love .

"Thanks" I replied.

As we reached the college I told him that he can go ahead I have some work in library and he agreed with it.

Instead of library I headed towards washroom I just check myself in mirror. I know that someone entered the washroom but I was busy looking and setting my v neck top as a line of boob was visible.

"You looking hot" Aditya said. he always do this I jumped at his voice my heartbeat is racing faster. I rested my hand at my heart.

"Because of you i can get heartattack and hospitalized any minute now. you always have to make entry like this and by the way this is girl washroom."

" I know " his tone is serious. this is not good sign.

"Are you okay you were absent all this week and you haven't talked to anyone about it"

" D, answer me. Why do you care?"

I can't think I can answer that I stay silent my eyes never leaving his. I think I should say something but what I can say about this.

" I don't know" I can only say this because I know this is not a crush. He started stepping towards me. this time I didn't take the back step I just dont want to take my steps back.

My breath are uneven. the chest rising from my uneven breathing. My heartbeat is really fast that I can hear them in my ears like a drum. I don't know what is going to happen now but I want it I want to kiss him.

His hands are on my waist he using his other hand to cup my cheeks with his palm. He kissed me. This time it is more passionate and full of hunger the way I never kissed anyone .

He grabbed my waist painfully that I groan in the kiss. I love how the pain pleases me in pleasure. Breaking our kiss he grabbed my neck and bite me there I almost scream his name.

"You love it when I kiss you mark you mine, isn't it? I know my queen that you love me but you don't accept it why D ? Am I not worth it ? answer me ."

He started biting my shoulderline this time. He let my bra steps and my top strap off the shoulder so that he can bite there. He bite me again this time even harder then he suck it. He put the one hand on my mouth so that I can scream in his hand and the other one is on my back helping me to stand there.

"Answer me D or I will stop this"

Why he wants the answer I don't want to start anything with him no relation nothing but ... there is something that I want between us.

"Yes I'm having feelings for you" My voice is mixture of pain with pleasure.

He kissed me and sat me on the sink side. He let his palms massage my breast. I moan. Then he let my boobs bounce out of the bra and my top suddenly I'm feeling to much disclosure of myself no one ever kiss me or bite me like that he taken the nipples in his mouth massage it and then he bite it I almost gasp his name.

"I want to mark you my D. Tell me who is marking you?"


"From today onwards if anyone kiss you or touched you he will be dead do you understand this"



He kissed me and then he help me to hide the marks with stall beacuse I'm not comfortable with anyone making this talks and gossips.

"I love you D". He kissed my forehead.

And leave the washroom I expects the things turn out to be like this. I'm happy but I'm worried.

#Writco #Writco writing #Firsttimeever
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