

"I , Christabel Molokwu on this day take thee Emeka Okonkwo to be my wedded husband, to have and to ........."

I grinned from ear to ear as she made her marital vows.

Memories of how it all started flooded my mind.

Wednesday 8th may 2013 will forever remain in my memory.

We all sat in the lecture hall, the five of us gisting to while away time as the FEG 301 lecturer had disappointed us.

In the heat of our trival discussion , we saw Christabel pass by.

Nonso who had been quiet blurted out " I am placing a bet of ten thousand naira to anybody who would make Christabel fall in love with him".

It didn't come as a surprise to see no one being interested in the bet.

"No Go Area" as we often termed her was no doubt the most beautiful girl in our department .

After her last heartbreak in her 200lv, she became unapproachable for any guy in the romantic sense .

She became a proud ambassador of the word "Men are scum".

They are all after one thing, "YOUR BODY". She would often say to those who cared to listen.

She swore never to have anything to do with them again.Since then she had put on a protective armour round her heart.

Rumors even had it that she became a lesbian.

All these couldn't deter me. I was like the proverbial bird that says if the hunter can learn to shoot without missing, then she too will learn to fly without perching.

All I needed was the right strategy and I will break through.

Being aromantic, my main aim was the money being placed. "Who love epp?"

With confidence I raised my hand "Nonso I go do am".

The look my friends gave me would be compared to that of king saul when David told him he could conquer Goliath.

"Ok na, you have till ending of this semester.I wish you the best". He said with a mischievous smile.

Romantic books and movies wasn't my thing , but with the task at hand I needed them.

For the first two weeks, I spent quality time downloading, reading romantic books and watching romantic movies.

Having gone through them and seen what I needed to do, it was time for action


I started stalking her.

I Took note of where she seats in class, her movement , everything about her .

I cyber stalked her. All thanks to facebook.

I created a fake female account and sent her a friend request. Luckily for me , she accepted.

Disguised as a female, I steered our conversation on facebook towards boys and relationship related issue.

I once asked her, if she was to create her own perfect man What qualities will he possess.

"To be affectionate , gives me quality attention , have listening skills , a sense of humor , be romantic and above all not loving me just for my body but values and appreciates me for who I am .

Having gotten all the information I needed, the next is ACTION.

I needed to be closer to her to execute my love tactics. But was careful not to make it look all planned out.

I found out she was in the legion of mary society. The next Sunday I became a member in her praesidium.

Being in the same society with her drew me closer to her .

When I meant closer ,we exchanged digits .

But I was careful not to rush things.

Then gradually I started unleashing the potentials of her "perfect man"

Time did what it knew best "flies". First semester came to an end.

To Nonso and my friends I had lost on the bet as there was nothing to prove otherwise.So he withdrew his price.

Having known there wasn't any price tag , my heart still yearned for her.

It was then realization struck me , I have fallen for her .

During the holidays, I made it a point of duty to always check up on her.

Before we knew what was happening, it escalated to midnight calls and telling each other everything on how our day went.

It was crystal clear, she too had fallen.

Two weeks into second semester, I asked her out and she said yes.

The rest became history.

It didn't take long for the whole faculty to know we were an item.

I came to realize , love truly exist.

All that is needed is the right person , right place and timing.

As we exchanged the rings, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

It was a tear of joy.

"You may kiss the bride" the priest finally said

With a closed eyes I locked my lips with hers.

© Ezewrites

Nwafor Collins Chibueze
Awka, Anambra state Nigeria
Saturday 16th july 2022