

My Public Diary
So. Hello. It has been a while since I have posted about my feelings for someone.

This app helped me express my thoughts, helped me with my over thinking, and heart break.

I guess I just want to keep writing until I reach the point where I am getting better, and finally better.

I want to reach the point where I can finally share the happy moments of my life whether it is about my love, my family, or my future.

However, I am still healing. So, for those who gets to read what I post here, please bare with me.

So, I am still here posting about the same guy. Honestly, after a few months of not communicating, we talked.

This time though I decided to guard my heart before giving anything. And I really think that was the best for me. It is hard because I know my feelings are still strong.

I know he doesn't feel the same. But I am constantly surrendering to the universe. I hope everything unfolds, let things be, and lead me to where I should be. With, or without him. I am having thoughts right now that he came back into my life temporarily. I honestly do not understand my own feelings anymore.

I have already let go, and accepted that me and him were only meant to meet for a chapter of my life. ...and maybe...

I am still hoping that me and him are going to be in a better place. Together.

But we don't get the things that we want all the time. We always end up with the things that we actually need.

Do I need him? I know I love him.
But no matter how much I love him,
Things will not work if he doesn't feel the same.

I am not throwing my feelings away, but I am learning to accept that my feelings aren't reciprocated. I want to love myself more.

If he steps out of my life again, I want to be okay. I want to be ready and brave.

I don't want regret anymore.

So I hope the universe is listening.

Please guide me to be better. So, one day, I can share better things to the world.