

Unbreakable : Chapter 1

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. They caught me. There is no way I can't take down 5 army members alone only with one hand, perhaps a gun could.!

I started looking for a gun hanged to any one army man's waist. Two had aimed their gun on me, one had kept his hand on gun, ready to take it out, one was clearing the croud behind the corridor and one in front took out the radio. The static buzzer sound was loud as the corridor was cleared by the army man, and was making returning to his position.

Finally an authorative voice came over from radio,"It's time to surrender.!" Suddenly I felt something hit my head. The voice continued,"There is no way to go. Give us the key. Millions of people life is at stake." I couldn't make of anything. Surrender ? Key ? I looked at them like a kid watch his dad working something on laptop. Bewildered. I was about to utter, whats happening?, but I saw the man whispering something into the radio. Again the voice,"My name won't matter much, but my designation will. I am Deputy Commisioner of NSA. You are Trevor Specter. You worked with us in this mission, untill our enemies spotted you and kidnapped you. You will find some marks on your hands."
I immediately checked my hands and there were marks, of rope, like they tied me to something.
"They were the chinese, they too wanted the key for that algorithm, when you completly refused to tell them, they hit you in your head and throwed you in a deserted alley. If it wasn't for the garbage-cleaning guy, you would still be there, rotting, waiting to die. Now tell us the key, its urgent.! We only have one hour to stop it."
Stoppp Whattt ??, I was confused, trying to make something of what the radio voice said, but i couldn't remember anything. I dont even remember, how i got here. Then again the pain in the head striked. i clutched my head with my hands and suddenly saw that one of my hand is missing.! I was looking at the hand wondering what had happened when the man in the front said,
"They did this to you when they failed to get the answer they expected from you.!" I was about to say,"Wha..." and then fall to the ground.

After some time, I started having visions. A lady standing beside me, talking to 5 army men and then leaving.! The doctor gave me an injection and I went to sleep. I looked at the clock, it said 2:05 A.M. and below the time it said TUE 05/29.

When i woke up, the nurse beside me was reading the newspaper, threw it away and went to alert the doctor. As i saw the same clock again, it was 9:45 A.M. I could feel something hitting my head. And then i striked me like a lightning to some wet man standing in the rain.! The clock said FRI 06/01. I fucking slept for three days.!! I was losing my mind, when the doctor came. He examined me and was about to leave, when I asked him,"Doctor, How did I end up here?". The doctor smiled and said,"You are not strong enough to hear it today, maybe I will tell you after a few days. Just remember you are in good hands and you are gonna be alright.!".
I said, "I can't remember anything, how can i sleep for 72 hours straight.!".
The doctor ,"Atleast you math is good.! Dont worry, it was because of the sedative we kept giving you in order to keep you away from the pain you were suffering.! We have lower the dose since yesterday, so now onwards you will sleep for not more than 12 hours.!
I said, "Okay.!"

Then, the doctor left and gave some intructions to nurse. The nurse entered and closed the door. I found it pretty weird to close doors in hospital but then i saw a face hovering over the glass, taking a peek, maybe on nurse because she was one heck of a woman, but to my astonishment, i found that face pretty familiar.
And then it striked me with pain and agony, I clutched my head, the veins popping out. Suddenly i felt like my head was a wall and something was trying to break it down and with each pound, i felt like the hammer is striking me. And then with a chill, it hit me. It the soldier who was clearing out the corridors, standing outside the door.