

The boy i love dont love me pt.4
Recap in the last part i said that my friends ex called me again after he finally stopped constantly calling. I said that gavin ghosted me once again and i was like super sad i was pathetic. I also said that i didn't love julian anymore. Well alot has changed again i thought i was done with all this but it has only gotten worse well kinda better its better worse ok. So as u guys dont know im only 12 so yes i know to young for all this but i know its more than a little crush someone said its love so that's what i go with alright. I recently started 7th grade actually tomorrow is my 2nd day at school. You guys know how middle or high school works switch classes 8 periods stuff like that. I had a feeling this would happen but then i thought julian was on house arrest and moved to Kentucky. Well i was wrong I was way off he has nothing to do with Jessica anymore he is not on house arrest and they didn't move. As i said i had a feeling this would happen and since they are still in Tiffin which is where i live he goes to my school mind u he is 13 but he is a grade behind which means he is in my grade alright i think you guys know where im going with this. Well he is in 2 of my classes its not great its not. He is in my 4th period class English class and my last period class 8th period reading class. Its been 3 days in school with him well I missed school so 4 days of school. The weird thing is he just so happened to miss school the same day i did and be back the next day also. My stomach is twirling so my stomach has been hurting 2 days cause of being nervous for everyday of school and seeing him. I keep looking at him i try to stop looking at him but i cant he just looks so depressed which makes me sad to see. He fell asleep in English class today he looks so cute and peaceful when hes sleeping. He isn't just a bad kid or anything he has a soft side iv seen that side i think today he helped a disabled kid. My best friends want me to give him a note to see how he feels bout me i said he already made his decision he said he didn't like me but its like people change i guess. Today i caught him staring at me after english class waiting for the bell to ring in a few seconds. Today i was gonna give him 2 bucks for a shaved ice they were selling them at school but we were not allowed to get out of our sit endless we were getting shaved ice. He literally talks to nobody at school he needs to make friends he talked today so hopefully he gets better at communication. Well he smiled today he started to laugh which is good i think hes just sad cause of Jessica hes got alot of stuff going on so i get it hes gonna be sad but it makes me sad to see him sad. So today i was at school freaked out again. I always am the worst at lunch i see him at lunch and cant stop starring at him and i freak out. So he kept looking at me like just little glances here and there then he said Selena which is my name he actually remembers my name he said hey selena and started talking to me. Like oh my lord hes talking to me i was calm on the outside but freaking out and happy on the inside. He started talking about his mom and tim i was like what the i thought he was gonna ask me something about the scavenger hunt thing we were doing in class asking people if they fit 1 of the discriptions on there or something. So i thought he was gonna ask me a question bout that no he said that tim laid his hands on Jessica and that someone said that tim said that Jessica has been stalking tim coming around tims house but that Jessica dont even have her licenses. Said that tims causeing a big thing saying a while bunch of shit i dont know i forgot the other things he said. He aslo asked me if he should've told the cops about tim laying his hands on Jessica i told him well tim does not do good in fights he is a chicken when it comes to fights i told him that he probably should've told the cops but its like i dont know. Well we were waiting in the hallway for our last period teacher to let us in the classroom and Julian is in the same class he was like 4 feet away i look up at him and hes looking at me oh my god. Ok tomorrow im gonna give him a note basically asking him out it had my number on it and stuff or he can meet me in the hall to tell me his feelings for me. So tomorrow i will update this story add to it with what he said if he says he dont like me or if he does i hope he does like me back. I was gonna give him a note today but i decided that since tomorrow is Friday that if he says he dont like me or it gets weird or ockword i wont have to see him the next day i will have 2 days that i dont have to face him if it goes sideways. Well it has been about a week i forgot to update this story. So he wasn't at school friday he likes to skip school alot. So tge next week on Monday i gave the note to my friend and she gace it to julian after lunch in the hallway. He was a idiot he came up to her after and said what is this and she said a note from selena and had to take the note out of the envelope for him. Then he went to the other side of the hall to read it so nobody can see it then came up to my friend amd said no amd shes like what so he said just tell her i said no. So later in the day she came up to me and told me what he said and did. So he dont like me but everyone thinks he likes me i dont know why they say its the way he acts i dont know. I blocked gavin and i have to deal with julian tomarrow so. I had a lot of shit happen recently though my now ex friend you know the "friend" that her ex was calling me yeah we are not friends anymore. So my bestfriends names is jazz and natalia my ex friends name is Emerson well her name is miley but she changed it to emerson not leagaly though. so what happened was jazz said that she was with emerson and emerson said thay she was permanently not friends with me because i was toxic because we didn't let her over at the house mind you she is psychotic. Me being an idiot i told my mother and oh my god to that blow out of proportion wow. Well mom texted megan Emerson's mom saying everything Emerson has done throughout the years telling her how Emerson called on multiple occasions telling me she wanted to kill herself shes depressed she wants to run away like damn shut up no body is gonna believe you bitch. She's over here complaining bout this and that but she dont care that jazz her supposedly bestfriend gets treated like a slave by her aunt that adopted her and siblings and gets yelled at and phone taken for not cleaning up after people that should clean once in their pathetic lives or even says 1 word to her aunt. Sorry it got heated there i really do not like the way shes treated it's bad she even came to our car crying as we picked her up saying something her aunt did she has tried to run away to my house but got lost she literally can not do anything over there without getting yelled at. Emerson and her mom are trying to be on top and to make sure jazz has no other friends like that's not something people do thats rude. Megan texted back calling everyone liars saying that emerson is to incident or perfect for that emerson literally told a 40 year old man she wanted to have babys with him and used natalias picture to send and talk dirty with a 20 year old on my phone she always took mine and jazzs phone and hit us and punch us and kick us. She has done alot more stuff but i dont wanna go into great detail yuck. Then kem jazzs aunt posted something on Facebook saying that she was gonna kick my moms ass basically saying something bout disliking kem i dont know it was something like that then kem posted rubbing it in my face she never posts jazz but she posted "Friday night fun" with a picture of jazz her sister and emerson. Jazz told me that megan called kem after mom texted megan even though megan said not to get kem or jazz involved and not tell kem anything thats going on but she sat there and called kem and told her bout it and that my mom didn't like Kem but yet megan saud that kem was a bitch and that everyone hates her bla bla bla. Well long story short me and emerson are not friends anymore definitely not and we all hate kem,Emerson and megan so yeah. I didn't mention that kem jazzs aunt was already mad at us and dont like us cause we gave jazz clothes and took her somewhere that her aunt didn't say she couldn't go to but after we took her there we got yelled at by her aunt so me and her are banned from seeing eachother outside of school cause her aunt said so. Ok so back to julian well aa i said he said he didn't like me and stuff well that next weel we didn't have school Monday for labor day i think it was. Well he wasn't at school Tuesday or Wednesday then Wednesday i texted this girl my ex friend sherell we were friends in like 2nd grade but that's it well her her sister allyna was posting alot bout this boy juju as she called him and i was curious like is she talking bout my juju or another juju. Natalia showed me a few of her posts talking bout him i have had enough so i added her after a day she added me back i texted her asked her bout it and if she knew him. She said she had him on Facebook then i was like no you dont i checked which at first i didn't see her on his friends list till i checked after i stopped texting her. I didn't do anything or say anything wrong or nothing i just asked her bout him and she called me weird so i went off on her called a name then she said well im texting him right now i was like no your not your a liar which she is a lying wh0r3 she looks and acts like a dope head wh0r3. So sence i didn't believe her she sent a screenshot of that chat on Facebook but the texts were covered up and she said you dont need to see what we talk about. I blocked her then she added me on another account i added her back to see what she wanted to say to me and she gave me some shocking upsetting news. She said you know that boy you were talking about yesterday well my aunt adopted him so hes living in Carey now. I almost cried then i thought well how could she do that thats not possible even my mom said thats impossible well its possible sadly. Unfortunately i also found out that allyna is my cousin but allyna rubbed it in my face cause she knows i like him and was rubbing it in my face that she gets to live with him and see him all the time cause she lives with her aunt and so does he now. Then she sent me the texts uncovered it was just her telling him that i texted him and him saying yeah i know her i told her i didnt like her bla bla bla. She weirdly asked what i looked like so i sent her a picture of my face and she said wow now i know why juju didn't want you your ugly as f*ck so i cussed her out. I called her a fat wh0r3 she sent me pictures of "her" it wasn't her it was some other girl i seen her before she is not skinny she was bigger. She finnaly realized who i was and said oh right your that fat kid im like what did you just say i told her i lost weight and am skinnier now which is true. i screenshoted the texts to send to julian but i didn't cause i know he dont like me so i respect his privacy and understand.I blocked her again and thats it im done with her she is a f*ck!ng b!tch. So all my plans with him are over im trying to get over him but that's gonna take time i was gonna give him a note or text or something asking him if he likes me every year to see if his feelings changed but thats over now. So after all this happened if you guys have not caught on it has been a week after that b!tch texted me telling me that he lives there now. I do miss him miss seeing him and all that but hopefully i get over him and eventually find someone new maybe but he will probably still be in the back of my heart and mind and i will still remember him when im way older but he will probably forget about me well this is it my last story and the last time i will see or talk to him.