

Honey bee
1.Honey Bee is known for memory and it can recognize human face too.
2.Scientists use honey bee acute sense of smell to sniff out bombs.
3.A toxin in bee venum called melittin kills the HIV virus.
4.A bee's wings beats 190 times a second that is 11400 times a minute.
5. Honey is the only natural Food will never get spoiled.
6.One healthy honey comb contains one queen bee (2yrs lifespan) 1000 male bee (90 days lifespan) Worker Bee (70 days).
7.Here quene bee orders work for others and laying eggs.
8.Worker bee has to bullt the hive and saving honey.
9.Male Bee only for reproduction.
10.From honey bee we have to learn lot from it. Specially it will never sleep (Activeness). Both queen and worker bee have hook connected with venum to protect themselves. But after hit anyone with hook it will died (Patriotism).
11.After born from 16 days queen start flying at 40km/hr, when 1000 male bees are following behind that queen which male one will catch that queen first will be allowed for matting. After matting male bee will die (Dignity).
12.Queen bee lays 1500 to 3000 eggs per day.
13.Actually bee does not suck honey from flower but that glucose after chemical reaction happened in it's stomach it has to vomit for 50 times to get one drop of honey (Struggling)
14.It communicates better than today's Skype and Twitter by waggle dance.if it flies upward it means flowers are in the same direction of sun.
If it flies downward it means flowers are in opposite direction to sun. If it shakes their tail fast, it says garden is near to them. If it shakes their tail slow it says gardens are so far(Skill).
15.Two tablespoon of honey would fuel a honey.bee flying once around the world.
16.Even Nepolean Emperor choose honey bee as their national Emblem.
17.It plays important role in economy of country by exporting honey.
18.Honey bee is the only insects which produce 80% of food in this world. If it gets disappear human can't live more than four years.
19.The sad thing is that bee is on top of the endangered list because of mainly using artificial fertilizers.
20.One-third of bees are died in last five years.
Dear friends honey bee teach us about Saving, Activeness, Dignity, Unity, Perfect administration, Patriotism, Helping tendency, Sacrificing, communication skill and so on but we are destroying them continuously please save honey bee.