Honey bee
1.Honey Bee is known for memory and it can recognize human face too.
2.Scientists use honey bee acute sense of smell to sniff out bombs.
3.A toxin in bee venum called melittin kills the HIV virus.
4.A bee's wings beats 190 times a second that is 11400 times a minute.
5. Honey is the only natural Food will never get spoiled.
6.One healthy honey comb contains one queen bee (2yrs lifespan) 1000 male bee (90 days lifespan) Worker Bee (70 days).
7.Here quene bee orders work for others and laying eggs.
8.Worker bee has to bullt the hive and saving honey.
9.Male Bee only for reproduction.
2.Scientists use honey bee acute sense of smell to sniff out bombs.
3.A toxin in bee venum called melittin kills the HIV virus.
4.A bee's wings beats 190 times a second that is 11400 times a minute.
5. Honey is the only natural Food will never get spoiled.
6.One healthy honey comb contains one queen bee (2yrs lifespan) 1000 male bee (90 days lifespan) Worker Bee (70 days).
7.Here quene bee orders work for others and laying eggs.
8.Worker bee has to bullt the hive and saving honey.
9.Male Bee only for reproduction.