

Hi there, my fellow Readers.
In my first write-up, lets talk about something thats relevant in all our lives and we face it almost every other day – "choices".
Well its not a Story! but rather a discussion.
So what are choices? And who determines if they are right or wrong?
Ever thought of it? And if you have, did you find your answer?

There are moments in your life when you have to make certain "choices"., the irony is even if the choice is YOURS about YOUR LIFE people judge you based on those choices. But the truth is no one has the right to judge you or your choices until they have been through a situation as yours! It is only a person who has been through a similar situation (not the same but SIMILAR), who can understand your choices.
By saying so, I don't mean that you must need /have an approval or sense of compassion from people for any decision ,any choice you make in your walking life. But If someone does acknowledge your decision than there's no harm.
A choice is nothing but a test you need to give every now and then in your life. It can be for something big or as small as to which outfit you wanna wear!
As a person who has been through many such phases in life, making choices for myself was a difficult task at times. You dont always get to choose between a GOOD OPTION & A BAD OPTION. Its rather, a bad option or another bad option.
Sounds crazy right!
Well that's life for you sometimes.

But One thing I can tell you about choices quite firmly is that whatever you choose it makes you one or the other – either wise or foolish.
So think, srcutinize, analyze before every choice you make.
CHOICES can change YOU as a person sometimes your life too!

Yours, sincerely

© a_soulful.mind_

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